

Type: Posts; User: ahmet476

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  1. I understand you now :) You're saying since...

    I understand you now :) You're saying since changes to card text is not possible at this moment, they should stay as is and these are not to be considered as bug but I saw BB+RA reported as a bug.
  2. I didn't understand what you said in that post. ...

    I didn't understand what you said in that post.

    You mean they shouldn't bypass RA? Why?

    They currently don't bypass RA and I think that's a bug.
  3. The only difference between Banebow's text and...

    The only difference between Banebow's text and Flaming Arrow's text is "prevented" vs "reduced". Both say "can't be [past participle verb] by ally or armor abilities". If BB abd RA is considered as a...
  4. Flaming Arrow on ally with Reinforced Armor[possible bug]

    My opponent attached Reinforced Armor to a Jasmine. I played Flaming Arrow on it. She took only 1 damage from arrow's instant 2 damage. I compared texts of each card. It seemed to me Flaming Arrow's...
Results 1 to 4 of 4