This is extremely similar to the Amber deck i'm running right now:
Yari Bladedancer x3
Aldon the Brave x2
Priest of the Light x3
Fleet-footed Messenger x2
Layarian Seductress x2
Type: Posts; User: lankyrich91
This is extremely similar to the Amber deck i'm running right now:
Yari Bladedancer x3
Aldon the Brave x2
Priest of the Light x3
Fleet-footed Messenger x2
Layarian Seductress x2
I've just made this deck and so far it's working very nicely. Just looking for some tweaks that could possibly improve the deck. The draw can be very hit or miss.
Allies (22):...
This looks strong, but you should have a card for removing enemy items... Shriek of Vengeance / Ley Line Nexus
Yeah, i've been very lucky the last few games, but it seems to struggle until very late game which can often be too late!
Flameborn Defiler makes Majiya kick even more ass!
Hi guys,
this is my first attempt at building a mage deck. Any input would be great:
Hero: Majiya
Allies: (19)
3 Spitfire Hound
3 Rampant Krygon
3 Voracious Arachnid
Hi guys,
I've seen a few posts on here regarding Vess Decks - Mine has been working pretty well recently, here it is:
1 x Vess Swifthands
3 x Yari Bladedancer
You should add in a couple of Voracious Arachnid cards.
Their ability works amazingly well with Yari Bladedancers - you can boost VA attack up and take almost any card off the board!
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