

Type: Posts; User: jazra

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  1. I think I'm just confused because Reserve Weapon...

    I think I'm just confused because Reserve Weapon says "weapon" but acts more like support in my mind. You get a weapon someday, but you can't attack with the RW card.

    Sorry if that's all there is...
  2. Ack, does Reserve Weapon count as support or not?...

    Ack, does Reserve Weapon count as support or not? It shows up in the support line but now I see, it says Weapon.

    I've been away a while, so sorry if I'm slow.
  3. Change of Fortune targets own support, but not opponent's.

    In the meltdown game I just played with CZCoinmstr (not positive about the very end of the name), I attempted to use Change of Fortune against one of his support cards, Reserve Weapon. It would not...
  4. Replies

    This just happened to me, too. Same...

    This just happened to me, too.

    Same situation: Reduced the opponent to zero, and had to wait. "Waiting for opponent." Game finally timed out and gave me the victory message, with the usual...
  5. Replies

    Wouldn't be thrilling if the server (or even...

    Wouldn't be thrilling if the server (or even local internet provider) drops/ forces the "Quit" message on you..

    And then you get a 5 min. ban too...
  6. I've gotten the "logged in elsewhere" message...

    I've gotten the "logged in elsewhere" message occasionally in the past. Not so much recently. I wondered if it might have something to do with simultaneously logging into forums, but that's pure...
  7. Thanks for posting this! Tears through...

    Thanks for posting this!

    Tears through Eladwen by turn 4-5 for me, Zhanna almost as well.

    Can't see needing the Eternal Renewal but once in a blue moon, with a bum draw plus running into Snow...
  8. Still don't understand why the AI would fire some...

    Still don't understand why the AI would fire some abilities when there are no targets whatsoever, or when it pretty obviously reduces its own forces worse than yours (Nishaven).

    Disclaimer: I...
  9. Replies

    I am on an HSPA+ (guessing, roughly 3G ?)...

    I am on an HSPA+ (guessing, roughly 3G ?) wireless network. I wouldn't say I see this every day, but a few times a week anyway. Sometimes it could be a connection issue, but sometimes while the...
  10. Replies

    Poll: Laughs. At first, I thought renewing the choice...

    Laughs. At first, I thought renewing the choice of pack ratio might be a bug -- but now I'm guessing not. I like it. Makes the wait a bit longer for games, but also gives us somewhat more chance...
  11. Replies

    Perhaps obvious from the above, but just to be...

    Perhaps obvious from the above, but just to be sure:

    I also cannot see the timer countdown at the bottom of the screen, unless I actually grab the window (at the very top) and pull it higher. ...
  12. Replies

    I can't read card details without zooming,...

    I can't read card details without zooming, either.

    I can usually remember what the health scores are, but it might be nice to have a larger number along with the bars under the character icons...
  13. Quite curious now whether this is even a bug, or...

    Quite curious now whether this is even a bug, or intended.

    It's rather nice as is, actually. I wasn't sure at first whether there would be a new card mix for all possible selections after...
  14. Replies

    New UI is really unfriendly.

    I haven't gotten around to QM again yet, but noticed this in live meltdown.

    First, let me say I don't like having a frequently used button like attack, sacrifice or cast sitting at the very bottom...
  15. Replies

    Aldon the Brave - boosts all attacks on his side....

    Aldon the Brave - boosts all attacks on his side.

    aka, Very Important Fireball Bait.
  16. Replies

    Poll: Sorry - more about meltdown generally up til now.

    I enjoy the format generally, but sometimes the small number of packs gives horribly skewed options. You can draw 5 allies or 20. You can draw 8 weapons, or none. You can draw very few allies and...
  17. Can receive new Meltdown cards by leaving and returning (booster selection reoccurs)

    I just left meltdown deck creation for the first time in 2.0, returned and was brought back to the stage for choosing how many boosters of Crystals vs DP.

    I was able to change the booster mix,...
  18. Replies

    It is a really bothersome bug. As far as...

    It is a really bothersome bug.

    As far as whether apparently losing people should stay on, it depends a bit on the situation and upon unpredictable experience. Even when I am looking down: There...
  19. Replies

    Is this sarcastic? If not, why would you say...

    Is this sarcastic? If not, why would you say that's due to the rogue?

    If true, could it simply be a matter of longer game = more opportunity for hang, period?
  20. Replies

    +1. I like it.


    I like it.
  21. Replies

    Poll: Depending on the color scheme, it might be a...

    Depending on the color scheme, it might be a little jarring where the borders contrast more with the art. Still, I think that's a pretty neat suggestion if the color tones would match up.

  22. Shrugs. I didn't try to say you can't play with...

    Shrugs. I didn't try to say you can't play with it, just that it's there.

    I looked for it in the test server Jira (which seems pretty sparse at the original link; maybe it's hidden somewhere?). ...
  23. ... Are those pixels, or is it something from...

    ... Are those pixels, or is it something from The Matrix credits?

  24. Pixelation while downloading on test server front screen.

    On the test server loading screen, I am seeing a field of orange to gold pixels over the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Screen cap below:


    This is primarily a visual nuisance. It...
  25. Meltdown gives you a new set of cards now if you hit Leave? [FIXED]

    If I hit Leave during meltdown deck construction now, there is a new set of cards when I come back.

    It used to return us to the same cards if you left. So I can imagine: Maybe now a horde are in...
Results 1 to 25 of 38
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