I'll take a look into your suggestions. Bty, I sent you a pm. If you would not mind, I'd like a little more of a talk. You seem to know what you are doing.
Type: Posts; User: code cube
I'll take a look into your suggestions. Bty, I sent you a pm. If you would not mind, I'd like a little more of a talk. You seem to know what you are doing.
Good thoguhts, but as I say, I run a Templar version. Shoud I switch to Homo? I don't want to if I don't have to.
So it can! Wow, thanks a bunch! That really helps!
Ah, I see. Your'e right
Your half right, if I attach it to a ally, it would cost 2 less. But attaching to a hero would cost 3. Good catch, I missed that one.
Hello everyone, this is code cube. A little bit ago, I made a post asking for help with my Ythan deck. I got some great suggestions from all of you. And after some reworking, my deck has...
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