In A1 Flibber
Type: Posts; User: Fionn Maccumhail
In A1 Flibber
When using gravebone, necromancers shroud does not allow activation of tombstone beacon. Not tested for other heroes.
Crypt golem at 2CC is, I think not worth using over a 2CC ally now that...
Wave modulator cannot be used after Zaladar uses all his shadow energy on his lightning attack.
Yeah I'm on 4.0. I'll re-install
Don't suppose there is a discord as well as a telegram?
It seems there is no-one on the test server, meaning there is no way to playtest the new cards except in campaign, and campaign is weird anyway in terms of interactions.
Things that may/may not be...
I think its fine as is. And gives new players some kind of draw engine from the start. Otherwise starter decks need a bit more tuning.
What is the reason for the change, to make it easier for burn...
Th version on the amazon app store is still 3.11, is that going to be updated?
Really excellent work. The concept and thought put into these is amazing. I'm not a fan of the class name (how about Leviathan or Deep Ones). Guardian sea man could also do with a rename and surely...
A1 Flibber vs Menjay
Above situation causes game to hang indefinitely (on rogue players side)
I think the problem is tinker as noted rather than ballista. Tinker to buff the weakest of the Wulven heroes worked fine. Tinker with moon and ballista is a bit much.
Layarian knight is, I feel a...
I've been playing mostly rogue and feel BM is fine. It is worthless early game, of limited use in the mid game and outstanding in the mid-late stages. It is also excellent tech against decks that...
I wish they had included the puwen blank, I sold all my copies since they were "duplicates".
Nerf to the Wulven, Sosilo and exaltation are all really bad choices IMO. I've only seen one deck running the Wulven and I was the one running it. Ditto for thaddeus' vault, ditto for ravenscrest....
I think the locations have added diversity in decks at present far beyond any other few cards managed and most of the locations have some kind of viable deck you can build. Garina road is the only...
Twilight nerf seems very foolish and will just make the ally unplayed whereas before it had use as a tech card when certain decks were more popular in the meta.
For elementals, every engine and...
Two was better IMO but there was a large whine brigade campaigning for the nerf.
He only has 9 attack when an opposing hero has 9 SE though, otherwise his attack is going to be in the 0-3 range most of the time.
EDIT: No I guess its-X attack which will make the card a lot more...
I'd say you want to do it this month since the new set next month or the month after is likely to push up participation.
The advert is being released in july, when is the set?
The score system goes by both number of games played and rating. And fair dues to wongtinlong for playing so many games. I'm glad they brought the rating back even if there is no reward. You can...
Considering how well SE allows grinding I would say foils should always remain a fairly precious resource.
There's actually a few useful card mentioned by folks that you can get good value out of:
Mass purification- excellent for the jerry meta and also if warriors become more popular.
Super focus' effect is ongoing. As soon as there is only one ally it gains the benefit of ignoring enemy attachments.
Meh, I think its the height of rudeness not to respond to GG from your opponent as well. Seems like a wee misunderstanding here was all.
And I've noticed there is a lot less "GG" than there used...
a1 flibber vs TJ Segalion- over 2 minute disconnect timer following rage quit/disconnect.
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