Type: Posts; User: stason78
Lördagen den 30 maj kommer jag finnas på plats i Playotekets monter/rum för att visa Shadow Era. Jag hoppas några svenska SE-spelare kommer dit! Jag kommer guida nya spelare med färdiga lekar, så det...
@FlyingFerrari Tack! :)
There will be a demo at Playoteket although not on monday. The date is yet to be set but ut will happen soon! You can reach me at then you won't end...
Oooh, I had nothing important to do tonight anyway :-)
Muriah is out of office until April 4th so I guess our names will be added to the list then.
Thanks for your input! It really helps me out and add a whole new perspective on the deck.
I'm pretty pleased with this Zhanna deck of mine. It is based on the Tidal Wave/Mournblade combo and different ways to boos Zhannas health keeping her...
Kings Pride, of course! How could I have missed that in the deck? I love the Mourn Blade/Tidal Wave combo in the sixth round and later in the tenth.
I'm using Tidal Wave to boost my blade and Healing Thouch to keep her alive. What I do lack is some oompf on the offensive side. What should I do?...
Kylt, I just have tell you how much this deck has helped me in becoming a better player. I know use an altered version to try different strategies. Many thanks :)
Thanks for the Healing Touch tips! That's exactly what my deck has been missing.
Hardware: Surface Pro 2, Win 8
Problem: When playing in fullscreen and trying to use the chat, the keyboard from Win8 is not activated. (so if you've played against me and I haven't answered you on...
Här kommer jag och bumpar igen. Så hur många svenskar är aktiva på forumet/spelar SE?
Get in touch with them on Facebook. I sent them an email but then I contacted them on FB and they hadn't recieved my first email. That may be the case for you as well.
I've created this group for all Champions to join and share their thoughts, stories and ideas on being a Champion of Shadow Era. Please come in, it's cozy in here!...
I'd like to play for team Sweden/Scandinavia.
IGN: stason78
Kul att se lite svenskar (och danskar)! Jag anmäler mig direkt.
Det var för jävligt förr. Inlandsis, allt var svartvitt och alla jobbade i gruvor. Du skulle inte gilla det.
Det skulle vara kul att få kontakt med lite svenskar som spelar, eller hjälpas åt...
Hej! Ny svensk spelare här. Har spelat några veckor och älskar att känna den där MTG-känslan igen. (Spelade MTG fram till Mirage, ja jag är gammal gubbe och kan berätta om hur det var för...) :)
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