The other day, I posted a private message that I had received from another SE member on the forum and posted it on my blog.(Took a screenshot attached etc) for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about,cool you can stop reading now. For those of you who do, and were directly affected by it or whatever please continue reading. I realize that I made a mistake in the way that I went about the entire thing, I should have went to the appropriate administration employees instead of making it
I want to start by letting everyone know that I realize that this is a pretty standard majiya deck, I am sure somewhere out there someone has already figured all of this up prior to myself doing so, I am not trying to take any credit and or trying to say that this is all my idea etc. I am simply sharing what seems to be an effective yet uncomplicated deck with the ever so lovely Majiya. (Special thanks to dashbdash aka the boyfriend for expert assistance needed to complete this deck)
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