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    Công ty chúng tôi là đơn vị hoạt động trong lĩnh vực xuất khẩu lao động Nhật Bản với 4 năm kinh nghiệm*đă được Bộ LĐ-TB-XH cấp phép hoạt động. Hàng năm, chúng tôi đă giúp gần một ngàn lao động sang Nhật Bản làm việc với mức lương tốt. Hăy tham khảo các đơn hàng đi Nhật cho Namcác đơn hàng đi Nhật cho Nữ hót nhất năm nay là ǵ nhé.
    Một vài tin tức đáng chú ư:

    Đơn hàng đi nhật 1 năm
    Đơn hàng đi nhật mới nhất 2019
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    De los propositos veraniegos que se han quedado en el tintero esta el de escribir un cuento, me dalla la imaginacion, siempre he sido un soñador nato pero ... ¿ahora?... me he transdormado en un adulto tan realista y preocupado por problemas cotidianos que tanto me repugnan como conseguir pagar las facturas a final de mes, ahorrar dinero, pagar hacienda etc, etc... que no soy capaz de dedicarle ni
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    A new player here and I have been following Majiya guide for new players. I have managed to get to the deck of your latest update just that Nova doesn't seems to be available for the deck so I ignored it. Now with the gold I have, I am wondering how could I improve my Majiya deck from there and hope that you can help me on it. Would love to get some tips from you as well!
    PS. A link for a good deck is good enough actually.
    Thank you )
  4. View Conversation
    Hi im newer to the game started decemerber 27th

    i play a zhanna deck or priestess deck what ever you wanna call her :O

    I am interesting in learning about things like tournaments....meltdown thing i see everywhere and things like not the best player but after a week of modifyn i am on a nice win streak at the moment so let me know.

    Also if you can throw me links that would be lovely
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    I would like to apply to BP. You may or may have not seen me in my thread about finding a guild to join, so I will post some info on me.

    While I am relatively new to ShadowEra, I have been playing CCGs for the better part of twenty years. I am in no way a hard core player, but I do enjoy winning. As such, I tend to work hard at having a good card advantage and keeping up with the current information flow. After tonight I should have a full playset of every card in the game, with a number of foils (I am at 85% full playset right now, and I'm about to pop a bunch of boosters to fill it out). While I can't dedicate a great deal of time to the hobby, i can at least dedicate at least 2 days where I am about Shadow Era. I would like to work within a community and have fun, so if you would have me I would love to join.
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    really!? on Ipad? soon? whoa, that's cool.
    Thanks for the heads up.
  7. View Conversation
    Your avatar really looks familiar, Baldur's gate?
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About Raphael Majere

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About Raphael Majere
Shadow Era Player



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03-13-2019 03:52 PM
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12-30-2024 04:54 AM
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Singapore Players Meet-up for May 2013!

by Raphael Majere on 05-24-2013 at 02:05 PM
7:45pm! Meltdown gets underway! Frenziedpeon is the handsome dude in the middle on the left row. Leon is the dashing dude on the bottom right. Leon's a really cool guy. He's played SE on his phone but was stroked to see physical cards. He wanted to play it right on the spot! Swell guy. hahah! Geckt quickly refreshed Leon on Meltdown rules and the games got underway. Big thanks to Berdugo who filled in for the sixth player slot. Initially, there were only 4 of us, but with Leon coming in, we were

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22nd Oct 2013, Singapore SE Players Meet-up Report!

by Raphael Majere on 05-24-2013 at 02:04 PM
[QUOTE=Raphael Majere;381152](From Raph's point of view: I'll let the others fill you in on their own games/happenings)

Well, I was the Organizer so I made sure my ass was at the location way before anyone else. I had the good idea to snap some pics of the store front and entrance so hopefully the players who have not been there do not get lost trying to make their way there. At least, I know I HAD difficulty locating it the very first time I was there.

The store front

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Raph's $19.99 "Ultimate Way to Enjoy Shadow Era: Dark Prophecies"!

by Raphael Majere on 05-14-2013 at 02:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Raphael Majere View Post

Boris Skullcrusher

***Allies (18)***
3x Jasmine Rosecult
3x Aldon the Brave
3x Aeon Stormcaller
1x Artful Squire
2x Fleet-footed Messenger
4x Champion of Irum
2x Wild Berserker

***Abilities (17)***
2x Smashing Blow
1x Enrage
4x Crippling Blow
4x Blood Frenzy
3x Retreat!
2x Bad Santa
1x Treasured Heirloom

***Armors (2)***

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Raph and Tcsnider's $19.99 "Ultimate Way to Enjoy Shadow Era: Dark Prophecies"!

by Raphael Majere on 05-14-2013 at 02:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Raphael Majere View Post
(This Article is made possible only with the help of BP Tcsnider. His dominance at per-launched Dark Prophecies tournaments and knowledge allowed us to create and tweak decks that are great for Quick Match at the Challenge area, i.e. Player vs Player.)

This Guide is for new players who just started Shadow Era and is willing to spend around $19.99 to buy crystals. I highly recommend it!

$19.99 really goes a very, very long way. Tcsnider and I managed to build a deck

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Mega Rush Deck - Update:12 July 2011

by Raphael Majere on 07-12-2011 at 06:25 PM
Ok guys, I've decided to start a new account and track the growth and progress of the Mega-Rush Deck. From scratch.

Started from rating 0 and working my way up. At 206 ratings now. I will continue to play and update you guys.

I will also continue to update my original post.

The Deck contents again:

1 x Zaladar

4 x Keldor
4 x Infernal Gargoyle
4 x Plasma Behemoths
3 x Chimera
2 x Medusil

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