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    siendo la misma... Ejemplo de esto es el blog de j'adore que es aficcionado a editar y reeditar sus post... desde aqui un llamamiento a j'adore y todos lo que lo hacen igual que él... mas WORD inicial y menos retoques finales JOOOOOODER!!!
    Aqui debería seguir escribiendo como me quedo el post del viernes... pero es que realmente paso mazo de seguir copiando lo que escribi en ese folio por las 2 caras que fue el espacio minimo y a la vez maximo que me marque por rellenar (porque como decia mi profesor de historia del arte en COU
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    Hey fellow priest lover. I would like to hear your thoughts on my two latest Schwarzenegger themed rush builds, Jericommando and Zhannan.
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    Nice to meet you today! Sorry I didn't get to stick around for longer.
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    sooth....Congrats again on winning the crown tourney.... if you'd like to claim your 500 crystal prize, kindly PM the email address you'd like it sent to.... mahalo, -jet
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    I'm on for the next 5 hours, but i'll disconect from IRC because there's nobody, and with my IPad i disconnect every 5 minutes if i'm not active.
  6. View Conversation
    Hi, Up for a league game ? I'm on the IRC
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    Hi Sooth, I'm suppose to play against u

    Will u be free from 8pm - 1am GMT +7 everyday except on weekends. Let me know your best time and I can wait for 30 mins or so
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    Sorry about yesterday, I finished my turn, then boom, defeat bug
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About soothslyr

Basic Information


Former Member of The A1 Alliance "Evolution In Theory"
Season 4 Hall of Fame Top Ranking - Ranked #14 soothslyr1
Gondoriandotcom Flash Tournament - Winner (Over Portgaz D Ace) Team Juggernaut
Bluejet24 Crown Tournament - Winner (Over Crispy1313)
Hatts Pop up Tournament - Winner (Jjsia) A1 Member

Contributions To The Community:
Priest Tactics Forum
Ways To Play
Advanced Strategies [Part: 1]
Advanced Strategies [Parts: 2 & 3]


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03-05-2015 01:40 AM
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Advanced Strategies [Parts: 2 & 3]

by soothslyr on 03-21-2012 at 02:28 PM
Part 2: In-Game Resourcing

Early Game Decision Making:
This is the make-or-break part of the game, and where most players make their largest mistakes. Do not discount the added effect of luck here, and how massively your deck designing will come into play.

Knowing What To Resource:
This comes from a few things:

1 - What hero are you matched up against?
Knowing your matchups and how you play them, is what separates the pro players

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Advanced Strategies [Part: 1]

by soothslyr on 03-21-2012 at 02:27 PM
As most of you know, I posted a thread and blog a while back detailing deck archetypes of TCG's. It had detailed explanations of what each one was, and how they're used. I got some very good feedback, but also a few comments about it being geared mostly towards players with little to no experience with card games. I took that to heart, and figured I'd post something for the intermediate to advanced players. New players are encouraged to read as well, and ask questions as you go.

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Ways to Play

by soothslyr on 01-29-2012 at 12:26 AM
Ways to Play:

Shadow Era is a card game. Card games have evolved to have a certain pool of strategies and styles of play available to them. Most try and innovate in one way or another, but eventually they all settle on the same basic pool of ways to craft your decks, and play.

Rush Decks:
Decks that try and rush you early with cards that are cheap to cast, and alone are not powerful, but through spamming them early, you can either win outright

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Updated 09-21-2014 at 06:43 AM by soothslyr
