Shadow Era cheats
, 10-10-2012 at 10:58 PM (16506 Views)
It is obvious that the creators and technical support for Shadow Era could care less about ending the cheating in this game. There is unjustified losses from 'account logged into elsewhere and defeats issued for no good reason while winning. These are cheaters taking advantage of the too overly relaxed and careless creators of this game. So, in defiance, I will research all possible cheats for this game and supply them to everyone in order to level the playing field. Not my first choice, as I have petitioned Shadow Era more than several times to solve these problems (they thought ignoring me was the best was to illusion their incompetence), but I now, unfortunately, can only do this. Let's start off with small cheats and work our way up until Shadow Era creators and technicians decide its time to side with the honest players. Here is a link to a YouTube video that use can use to cheat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8bS5PhLmDc . ENJOY!
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