

When Christmas time rolls around

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Hello. It's been a while.

I thought i'd write this up, forgive my rustiness.

As I've said, it's been a while. Nothing to do with Shadow Era.

When christmastime rolls around

When christmastime rolls around,
I'm reminded of those I love,
Peace if but for a little while,
Lie back, relax,

Let us skate on by,
Enjoy life's little pleasures,
Some hot chocolate by the fire,
A sleigh ride to nowhere,
A coy smile and that secret happiness,
Deep down inside,

Lie back, relax,
Lie back, relax,

The time for running around is done,
Let life skate on by,
Enjoy the little things,
Make a snowman,
Enjoy the world,

Lie back, relax,
Lie back, relax,

A massage by the water,
Sharing a coat together,
Slow down there,
Take a break from running around,
Eat the fruits of our labor,

Lie back, my dear,
Lie back, and relax,
Let me do my job,
Make the holidays full of cheer,
Enjoy the simple things,
A candy cane by the seashore,
And a sleigh ride to nowhere,

Slow down, it's the holidays,
Save the fighting for another day,
Let us watch the snow drift on by,
Light the trees up and enjoy the night sky,
Go up the hill yonder,
Make simple wishes to the world,

Lie back, relax,
Take your time now,
Lie back, relax,
Enjoy the world,
Lie back, relax,
Do the simple things,
Lie back, relax,
Slow on down,
Lie back, relax...

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