Raphael Majere
Mega Rush Deck - Update:12 July 2011
, 07-12-2011 at 06:25 PM (8695 Views)
Ok guys, I've decided to start a new account and track the growth and progress of the Mega-Rush Deck. From scratch.
Started from rating 0 and working my way up. At 206 ratings now. I will continue to play and update you guys.
I will also continue to update my original post.
The Deck contents again:
1 x Zaladar
4 x Keldor
4 x Infernal Gargoyle
4 x Plasma Behemoths
3 x Chimera
2 x Medusil
4 x Mind Control
4 x Shriek
2 x Life Infusion
2 x Soul Reaper
Total: 30
You can view all my games using the in-game search.
My Game Handle: Torak Ironfist - I will only play this deck with Torak Ironfist
12th July 2011
Boris- Win
Nishaven- Win
Elementalis- Win
Majiya- Lost (30 card Majiya
) - I would have won if I survived that his turn.
Victor - Win
Gwen - Win
Gwen - Lost (238 ratings well-tuned deck)
Gwen - Win
Amber- Win
Majiya- Win
Eldawen - Win
Dark Claw - Win
Gravebone- Win (Gravebella?)
Nishaven(Player Phamz) - Lost (by 1 Life, would have won if I survived that his turn.)
Nishaven(Player Phamz) - Win (Clear win, board control complete)
Dark Claw - Win
Dark Claw - Win
Elementalis- Win
Zaladar- Win (playing Mega-rush!) Mirror match. Very interesting. Observations below.
I just want to highlight 3 things:
1. Half the decks I faced are generally not well-tuned.
2. The losses - I am only concerned with the Gwen loss. The player had a very good draw, went first. I tried to come back and survived for a long time. But ultimately I was unable to defeat him.
He was able to put down either an ally or a Beetle Demon bow every turn for the first 6 turns. The 2 Beetle Bows caused a lot of problems. He'll shoot and immediately change the bow into a demon ally on the same turn. Fantastic card advantage.
The important thing to note for this game: AoA would not have helped me to win this game. This motivated me to leave them out. I am not suggesting for everyone to leave AoA out. Test and see if it works out for yourself.
3. Vs Zaladar. Very interesting. A Mirror Match.
I saw how my deck worked from the other end. If not for the fact that I went first, I would have lost. The player mentioned that he added some tweaks - very interested to hear from him. Despite going second, he was able to chip off quite a bit of life off me.
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