Welcome to the Crown(7) Open Tourney! If you are unaware, the tourney has begun. Please review the rules located on post #1 of the tourney thread. Official brackets are available on post #2 (or visit http://www.challonge.com/crown7). Tourney schedule and round deadlines can be found near the bottom of post #1. If possible, try to complete your matches early. Remember, whatever deck you decided to use in round 1, you must use that exact same deck throughout the tourney. If you are in the habit of constantly tweaking your deck for 'quick matches', I suggest you write down your Crown(7) deck somewhere. Those caught changing cards between rounds will be automatically disqualified and banned from all future Crown Tourneys. Matches are best of 3, alternating 'who goes first' in games 1 and 2. Winners, report results on Tourney thread. If you have other questions, please read rules carefully on post #1. Then, if your still confused, PM me. Good luck! -jet
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