It's been a while since I did one of these in my capacity as official spokesperson for the Board of Directors, but hopefully you've been seeing our many developer updates in the mean time. If not, many are linked within the items below, so let's get started ...
1. We released v3.521 containing balance changes, bug fixes and 13 new Campaign cards in time for World Championships 2017. This was not on the Development Roadmap announced in the last update because we wanted this to be a nice surprise for everyone. As far as we can tell, it was!

2. The World Championships 2017 Regionals, Wildcards and Grand Finals went very well on v3.521. Most of the events were streamed on Twitch, where all of the streams are available as recordings. Congratulations to BP AmberFade for becoming our new World Champion and thanks to everyone who took part and helped make it a really thrilling occasion.
3. We have appointed more in-game chat moderators and created a Welcome channel on Telegram with an easy-to-remember public link ( to make it easier for players to join our community, which has been shared on Facebook/Twitter. Thanks to everyone who is helping make our community such a great place to be!
4. We made improvements to the Rated Multiplayer mode in November, including giving a random foil for each 20 wins per hero and per-hero tracking of win-streaks and total wins within the app. In December, we added a public leaderboard for streaks and total wins per hero. In January, we extended the Best Score Leaderboard to cover the Top 250 players and introduced prizes for places 101-250 in line with this.
5. All Map 1 Dialogue for Call of the Crystals Shadow heroes was released by mid-January, so that now all 20 of the Call of the Crystals heroes have their own story you can play through with their first 10 Campaign missions. (To access them, just have a deck for that hero loaded on the Campaign screen.)
6. The monthly specials (Dark Riding Hood, Bad Santa, Winged Redeemer so far) and multi-pack bundles have led to increased income that we have been investing in artwork for upcoming cards. Speaking of which …
7. Lost Lands Part 2 (LLP2) development has gone very well over the past three months. We have progressively revealed 52 spoilers so far on our forum, Facebook and Twitter to great reception. We are currently doing internal play-testing of the set while we await the delivery of the last few illustrations we've commissioned. Speaking of illustrations, here are six of the ones we've received fairly recently in their card form:

The complete spoiler list can be seen on this page:
1. Before the end of February, Lost Lands Part 2 will be available on the Test Server for play-testing by Shadow Token Holders with at least 10 SHDW linked to their game account. If you're unfamiliar with Shadow Tokens, please see for more details.
2. Work has begun on extending and enhancing our Single Player Campaign offering, which has been revised based on feedback, budget, time and lots of great ideas we've had recently. As part of this, we will also produce a brand new Tutorial, set at a pivotal moment in the Shadow Era timeline, which new players will be guided through to learn the game after signing up.
3. We are launching an innovative event on 1st March to bring more fun, variety, activity and rewards to all our players on Rated Multiplayer, regardless of their skills, experience or card pool. Speaking of March …
4. LLP2 will be out by the end of March in v3.53, with all the new cards being added to the Lost Lands booster pack (as well as available in the Merchant for Gold from the day of release).
5. Our Steam launch is intentionally delayed so we can improve some areas of the game client to make a stronger first impression to a new audience, and be further along with the development discussed here when they arrive.
6. We're very pleased to announce that we have set an Autumn/Fall (Oct/Nov) release date for Lost Lands Part 3, meaning that the full 200-card set of Lost Lands will be complete before World Championships 2018.
1. Kevin Massey (Keaven) has decided to leave the Board of Directors, to focus on his full-time job, but expects to return as a player again in the future.
2. Nik Pokimica (Veles) and Joseph Cook (SK Phantom) have joined the Board of Directors. Nik will be taking a very active role with the design of LLP3 mentioned above, leading a newly formed Design Team (who will be announced in the next few days); Joseph has already been very active as our superstar in Customer Support and will continue to do that very important role, which helps us stay responsive to customers and means we get excellent visibility of any issues players are reporting.
3. We were so pleased with the dialogue produced for the Shadow hero campaigns, their author has been appointed as our new Lead Writer, to tackle all remaining campaign story and dialogue and collaborate with the Design Team on story/lore for our expansions too. To make himself available to interact with everyone on lore-related matters (like NachyoChez used to), he has just signed up on the forum as Raverstar and will likely introduce himself shortly.
4. In case you aren't aware, the first two sets of Shadow Era are available in Physical form on our online store. Whether you have someone in mind to play with or just want a collectible memento to hold in your hands and show off to your friends and family, the physical cards are a great way to support our game and also get yourself Shadow Crystals. (Each booster pack contains a redeem code worth between 100-200 Shadow Crystals that you can redeem here:
We hope you find the above encouraging and exciting! As always, if you have any questions or comments, please send add them below or contact us via Facebook/Twitter/Telegram.
Thanks for reading and best wishes to you!

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