
    • Characters in Profile (11): Jade of the Forest

      About the Card:

      Jade is unique among the Characters in Profile series in that she is a class ally (for Hunter), which means she is available to both the Human and Shadow factions. I know many people have always wondered why a human would join the ranks of the enemy, but even if it's only the case of Jade I hope this can answer some of those questions.

      Cost: 3
      Attack: 3
      Health: 4
      Class: Hunter
      Ability: 2SE: Until the start of your nest turn, Jade of the Forest is hidden.
      Flavor: “A deadly game of hide-and-seek.”


      When the Man of Shadows at last united all the worlds attacking Balor into one force, he did so under the promise of controlling the human world and all its riches. He knew that taking the world from forces controlling any number of the Shadow Crystals would be a prolonged war, and so he opted for a more elegant solution. One which could end the war in a day.

      Following the different legends and histories of the various nations, he traced an ancient civilization called the Aldmor to the abandoned lands known as the 'Wilds'. If half the stories were to be believed, they had understood energies on a level of no one else he'd encountered. In their final moments, faced with an indomitable enemy, they had created a weapon he believed could grant him the power to rule with an iron fist. All he needed was to find a way to track it down.

      No one from his own armies would have had access to the forgotten continent, so the leader of the Shadows sought the aide of the very people he was attempting to conquer. At first this proved a difficult task, as most humans fled at the sight of the abominations that comprised the bulk of his forces. Eventually, though, he found his jewel among the rough.

      Jade had been raised along the coast of Vozit, though she'd always taken issue with their patron god. She enjoyed her time among the trees and forests more than when it was spent in prayer services or at the markets. As she grew older, this disparity between her and her peers grew greater and greater. The years passed and the young girl became a woman, a woman who often found herself far from home on one odd job or another. Inevitably this led her to the Wilds.

      Few had bothered to sail to those shores, and fewer returned to rebuke any of the claims of what lies there. When Jade, already no friend to the church, found herself among those few who could claim many of its scriptures wrong, she also found herself cast out from their ranks. She took her skills and knowledge to Irum, where she hoped more people might be willing to pay for her talents. It was here that the Man of Shadows approached her, and here she decided that even her values were for sale.

      This article was originally published in forum thread: Characters in Profile (11): Jade of the Forest started by NachyoChez
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      Comments 6 Comments
      1. DukeDemonKn1ght's Avatar
        DukeDemonKn1ght -

        Criminals are hot.
      1. ahmet476's Avatar
        ahmet476 -
        So there are various worlds that are opening gates to Balor? Is this a natural phenomenon and Man of Shadows taking advantage of it? Or someone specifically caused these gates to open?
      1. Jo3yb0i's Avatar
        Jo3yb0i -
        What a sellout. All she wants is money and shyzzz
      1. SET Colosal's Avatar
        SET Colosal -
        Quote Originally Posted by bwm88950 View Post
        Well done
        What is your purpose in reviving all these old threads just to say "well done"?
      1. Nikitaron's Avatar
        Nikitaron -
        . . Pm, .
      1. Viphed's Avatar
        Viphed -
        What motivated Jade, a character in the profile series, to join the Shadow faction, and how does her unique role as a class ally contribute to the overarching storyline?
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