This time Loest

Ignoring the pangs of guilt, he at last settled on a passage that seemed of great importance to his father.
Earthsday the 35th of Stormaan, 999 L.W.
It's been weeks since King Rothem

Irregardless of that, though, is the feeling I get when I'm near the things. Whatever they're made of, whatever allows them to do incredible things they do, I'm not sure I really want to find out. These large stones fill me with an unease my dreams and the recent stories combined could not achieve. Perhaps it's only magnifying them? Either way, they disturb me to the core; a feeling I know I am not alone in.
Several of the priests have expressed disdain for being in the same room with the crystals in multiples; I've actually had them separated into different areas of the library to help diminish this unease. It seems to have helped on some level, but still many are weary of the effects. I've heard some say they just feel 'angry' or 'sad' around them. Others just express a general 'fear' permeating the room. Only Zhanna

A man came to us, his foot severed from limb by the plow in his fields days ago. Arada, you have blessed us with an understanding of healing, but the best we could do in days past was to prevent infection and lessen the pain. As a farmer, he would be incapable of earning a living for himself and those who depend upon him, but your teachings would have saved his life. The young priestess couldn't abide this, and offered to try to harness the energies of these new objects into healing the man.
At first I was opposed, but the stubborn girl reminded me that Rothem

Combined with my recent dreams, I find everything I learn about the world Balor is becoming only raises more questions. Where are these crystals from? Surely, a power this great is known to someone. If so, are they coming to collect it?
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