Rumors have been circulating on our forums about an aging king picking up his sword once again to do battle, and a massive Shadow beast causing widespread destruction. Not much is known about these legendary allies, or even if they will prove to be useful in combat, but their demand is unquestionably high.
"I just can't keep these cards in stock," exclaimed the Merchant. "I've been raising my prices in hopes of encouraging people to sell, but most people are holding on to these two. I've had to open a lot of packs just to find some to meet demand, and it's not easy you know... Say... I have two
Rolling Boulders here you might be interested in. Special deal for you today, yes?"
Karlstrad, Ruler of Gaderi
The hordes of minotaur warriors moved across the plains of Gaderi with a ferocity they believed to have never before been seen in Balor. When at last they came upon the defending forces, that opinion was changed. Facing down on them was a man who could not be stopped, who could not be slowed. What stood before them was a leader who was stronger for the men who followed him. The Gaderi prized strength above all else in their rulers, and
Karlstrad's rule had never been questioned.
Scourge Colossus
The Ravagers have always worshiped chaos and destruction, and believed that gods of these concepts once visited their world. When they first encountered the Shadow Gates, many hoped they would again meet these avatars of pure malice. Then came a beast who brought devastation with every step, crushing foe and belongings as one. At first they believed this to be their new god, but now they consider the
Scourge Colossus to be the key to victory.
Have you faced these two in battle yet? Did you find them in a booster pack or get lucky with the merchant? How will they change the outcome in the struggle of the Humans against the invading Shadow? There seems to be only questions and a shroud of mystery surrounding these legendary allies...
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