
Without realizing it his hand was already tugging the book from his bag, untying the strings that sealed it from the outside world. He paused for a moment to find a better place to rest, searching for a brush dense enough to obscure himself from the sight of any forces that might be close enough to see him. Satisfied he was hidden well enough, he gave a brief thought to the fact these knots had been tied by the head priest of Arada before his untimely death.
Choking back his feelings of guilt, Loest

Firesday the 16th of Meadmaan, 998 L.W.
It's been a long year, and though it is only a little over 2 months from closing altogether, I find myself aging faster now than ever before. Rothem

Few men have ever claimed to climb to the peaks of Mt. Balor, yet the king seeks to build atop it! True, he's not so foolish that he believes the summit would be suitable, but I'd not be shocked to learn that he tries to add a spire to the plans to rise above the sky itself. Were I not so sure the man held the priesthoods in such high regard, I'd swear the fool was trying to end me all on his own. Wasn't Nishaven

Though I can't claim the king works alone to bring my wits to an end. My own son seeks to unravel me, or so it seems most days. I can understand a crisis of faith, but to openly claim he holds no belief in the Seven Gods of Balor at all? That is just beyond me. He cites the darkness in our world as his cause, and many among our temple believe it to be his heritage. Not that we know who the boy's biological parents could be, but my own disciple swears he must hail from Lyth to utter these things. So, of course, she has to be the one teaching the class in which my son decides to blurt his newly found 'beliefs' in. Zhanna

I hold little hope that Snomaan or Wolfmaan will hold any better tidings, and so thus I pray to Arada that the final year of the Last War's millennium will bring some much needed cause for relaxation. Perhaps by Seedmaan Rothem

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