About the Card:
Kris is one of my favorite allies because of the level of versatility he brings to the game. He can be anything from extra damage, a target for your own abilities (like Assassinate), heck he can even knock off the durability of some armors and weapons. He might not be an auto-include, but no human deck should be built without at the very least giving him a glance.
Cost: 1
Faction: Human
Ability: Haste
Flavor: ‘From the cold north he came’
Background: The country of Lyth was formed during the Last War, when General Arthyle sent a surprise force through the mountains to cross the seasonal ice bridge that connected Gaderi and the northern mountains (also named Lyth). The path proved too treacherous, and the massive force was unable to cross in time. Before they could retrace their steps, though, winter had settled into the mountains once more, sealing them in the bitter wasteland.
Centuries later, the people of Lyth have learned to endure. They’ve kept the militant discipline of their ancestors, and earned the right to be called a country all of their own, even going so far as to abandon the vestiges of the seven gods in favor of a more atheistic approach; after all, what god would create a blighted land such as theirs? Their truest claim to fame is that of Lythite; a special metal said to be near indestructible, and also the very name of the people who consider themselves harder than that metal!
Kristoffer Wyld

Kris's years had him working for all matters of esteemed persons. He'd traveled the oceans to Vozit and Ellos, seen the stoney wastelands of Irum, walked alongside Gaderi tribal leaders, and even shaken the hand of Layar's king once, before being awarded a position guarding the most elite school in Balor. Though it was good for the Lythite to be in his homeland, some part of the man still needed to see everything the world had to offer.
So when the school fell to an attack from the Shadow forces, who were hunting the Shadow Crystals sent there for study, Kris took up arms with the forming Human alliance and set out to do his part. He knew the struggle would be long, but deep down he knew this was the fight he'd always been training for.
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