Here we highlight those players that have proven a mastery over their opponents and have risen to the top of the ranks. Their exploits are often already well-known in the world of Shadow Era, and they have earned both the respect and fear of other players.
For each Rated match you win or lose in Shadow Era, you receive a
Match Score: YourRating*OpponentRating/100 for a Victory; YourRating*OpponentRating/300 for a Draw; 0 for a Defeat.
As of October 2017,
the multiplayer Rankings in Shadow Era are based on Best Score, which is the sum of your Match Scores for your best 50-Match period that month. Best Score starts at 0 for everyone each month and is then increased during the month based on your Match Scores. (Since it is for your best period only, it can never decrease.)
This Best Score is used to rank players on the Best Score Leaderboard. At the end of each month, the Best Score Leaderboard is preserved in the Hall of Fame (below), fabulous prizes go those players with the top 100 Best Scores and then all Best Scores and Match Scores are reset for the next month. (More details, including the new Prizes for Top 100 Best Score each month, can be found
Meltdown is a fun format that is now free to play! Compete for the top place each week for
more great prizes!
A player's Rating is a rough indication of how good of a player they are, and is used for matchmaking purposes.
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
Shadow Era Cumulative 2024 Best Score Leaderboard
February 2025 February Forty Leaderboard
Hall of Fame
May 2022
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
April 2022
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
March 2022
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
February 2022
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
January 2022
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
December 2021
Best Score Leaderboard
| Highest Meltdown Scores
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021