
Most Popular Blogs

  1. Shadow Era Crystals - Earn Shadow Era For Free

    [URL=""]Shadow Era Crystals[/URL] - Finally, is now available for public and you can start earning Shadow Era Crystals. By signing up you will receive a bonus Shadow Crystals. If you signed up with your Facebook account you will receive 2 times of the bonus points.

    We hope you earn more Shadow Crystals at
  2. SE Titan Tournament - Offical Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by h4rvey View Post

    Titan Tournament Updates
    First Tournament Announcement - June-22-11
    I will be hosting my first SE tournament, this is the official Titan Tournament Thread.
    Depending on much popularity this gets will determine if i continue to run these.
    I am newer to the SE community, but this is not my first time running an organized tournament.

    This is my first SE tournament,
  3. A study of Probability in CCGs. (Specifically in Shadow Era)

    Wow so I guess if you are reading this then you were not scared away by the title. Congratulation, hopefully unlike most math this will actually be useful to you.

    For this study I will look at 30 and 40 card decks including the hero and also going for both the first player and second player draw.
    30 card deck = 29 drawable cards
    40 card deck = 39 drawable cards
    first player draw = 6 default cards
    second player draw = 7 cards total / 6 default cards + 1 ...
  4. Shadow Era Tips For Beginners

    I'm relatively new to SE, but have spent a lot of time getting to the know the game and community. Here's a link to a recent article I wrote to help out beginners. I hope you enjoy it!

    Happy Gaming!
    Tags: 179fify061 Add / Edit Tags
  5. Guild

    I just made a new guild called the BloodShed Warriors. Check it out here:

    I encourage you guys to join or tell new players to consider joining it!!
    Tags: 17gtazvrkj Add / Edit Tags
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