[URL="http://www.shadoweracrystals.com/"]Shadow Era Crystals[/URL] - Finally, ShadowEraCrystals.com is now available for public and you can start earning Shadow Era Crystals. By signing up you will receive a bonus Shadow Crystals. If you signed up with your Facebook account you will receive 2 times of the bonus points. We hope you earn more Shadow Crystals at ShadoweraCrystals.com.
I'm relatively new to SE, but have spent a lot of time getting to the know the game and community. Here's a link to a recent article I wrote to help out beginners. I hope you enjoy it! http://mygamingtips.com/shadowera-5-tips-for-beginners/ Happy Gaming! ~phamalot
I just made a new guild called the BloodShed Warriors. Check it out here: http://www.shadowera.com/showthread....l-Guild-Thread I encourage you guys to join or tell new players to consider joining it!!
Ways to Play: Shadow Era is a card game. Card games have evolved to have a certain pool of strategies and styles of play available to them. Most try and innovate in one way or another, but eventually they all settle on the same basic pool of ways to craft your decks, and play. Rush Decks: Decks that try and rush you early with cards that are cheap to cast, and alone are not powerful, but through spamming them early, you can either win outright ...
Updated 09-21-2014 at 06:43 AM by soothslyr
I am sorry about posting this twice. Doormat has inspired me and gave me the idea to continue making the blogs. I didn't add a very good title to the first blog post but I have chosen the series name. I may even publish this in future. I could even speak to some special people to help. The Beginning: How it all started I remember the day I was searching through the App Store....... It was about 10PM and That's 1 hour past my bed time, *gasp* i would've been grounded ...
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