The May challenge requires to play with a deck containing 4 copies of each card.

Basically, this is the theory to build a consistent deck - smallest deck size, max copies of each card. In this respect, an aggro deck will perform the best under this format.

After Agnar is unbanned, the meta shifts quickly and becomes heavily favorable to Gravebone. Below is my suggested decklist for May challenge.

Hero: Gravebone (41 cards)

Ally (24):
4x Caged Savage
4x Rapacious Vermin
4x Feasterling
4x Bloodstained Marauder
4x Agnar, Flameborn Insurgent
4x Towering Brute

Ability (8):
4x Bad Santa
4x Supernova

Item (4):
4x Twice Enchanted Robe

Location (4):
4x Asyn: Mount Kazarr

Deck Code: 1923136B

The deck has a high count of allies to maximise consistency.

The location will be your main control card without losing tempo. Works best with Towering Brute on Turn 4.

Supernova helps to push through the last few damages and plays as a finisher.