The issue: Currently, Gravebone bringing back Io Void Leviathan doesn't trigger its buff. But Lyra Blackrose will trigger only after the effect completes. Aldreides currently does get triggered. To make matters more complicated, Bloodfang currently does trigger Io Void. Cleary, there is a discrepancy when exactly "activated with shadow energy" is triggered.

In the code, "UsedShadowEnergy" is called after the effect is resolved. Io Void Leviathan has some specific hacks to not trigger when it should have with Gravebone.

There are two options forward for consistency sake:

1. UsedShadowEnergy is called before the effect is resolved. Io Void Leviathan will not trigger (current behavior), Aldreides will be changed to not trigger, Lyra will trigger before the effect and potentially negate Bloodfang's effect.

2. UsedShadowEnergy is called after the effect is resolved. Io Void Leviathan is the only card that is changed from the current live implementation, and it will now trigger from Gravebone. Card text should change "when an ability is activated with shadow energy" to something like "when an ability is used with shadow energy"