This is my Krugal Baduruu deck that I created by taking some ideas out of some other standard Baduruu decks. I achieved a 10 win streak with this deck yesterday in rated.

Hero: Baduruu

Allies (16):
4x Krugal Trapper ~200g
2x Venomflame Archer ~120g
3x Sneerkrug ~400g
2x Deepwood Bobcat ~120g
3x Snowland Spotter ~300g
2x Drangis, Lord of the Hunt ~680g

Abilities (12):
3x Pack an Extra ~120g
2x Sacrificial Lamb ~400g
4x Hunter's Gambit ~120g
2x Shadow Font ~220g
1x Ley Line Nexus ~400g

Items (16):
3x Ricochet Trap ~120g
4x Camouflaged Foe ~200g
1x Night Prowler ~420g
2x Soul Seeker ~760g
3x Grundler's Double ~800g
3x Emore Crossbow ~1100g

45 cards ~ 16220g

It's an old fashioned deck with the new cards missing such as Double Back, Quickshot, Braggart, etc. Will post a deck here once I create a deck out of those cards as well.