Locations represent specific places in the SE Lore, but must be played at specific times (turns).

The following card example takes that concept and applies it to allies, spells, etc, but in a unique way.

SpaceTime cards (aka Events) work just like locations in the sense that they go in your deck, have no summoning cost, can only be summoned once per turn, and always have a Turn Number associated with them -- except instead of the number denoting the earliest the card can be summoned, it denotes the latest the card can be summoned. In other words, it can be summoned at anytime on or before that turn.

Also, Events have a designated location (or location type) associated with them, denoting the specific place they can be used at.

So, if the location condition and turn condition is not met, you cannot play the card. Though, in addition to that, if the card is on the field or in a graveyard when the turn passes its number, or if the location leaves play, the Event is immediately exiled.

Most importantly, Event cards can be summoned from your hand like normal, but they also automatically summon themselves from your Resource Pile when their space and time conditions are met.