
Caravan Smuggler x4
Eastroad Bandit x4
Pillaging Arsonist x4
Winthill Assailer x4
Brigand Captain x4


Backstab x4
Stop Thief x4


The Last Harvest x4
Hit List x4
Ill-Gotten Gains x4


Anklebreaker x4

Played a few rounds with it against AI. Good enough to beat the 3-star campaigns. Key to this deck is good draw as you will be growing your resources at a fast pace with Eastroad Bandit + Backstab combo. The Last Harvest and Brigand Captain helps with the generally low attack values of your Outlaw allies. Sac only until you have 4 res. The rest can be grown from Bandit. IGG and Hit List are your main draw engine and they synergize well with either Eastroad Bandit killing things or Caravan Smuggler dying. Don't be afraid to use Smuggler to attack into weapons or allies as his function is similar to Devoted Knight. If everything else goes south, you have Anklebreaker to regain board control.

I'm not totally happy with 40+ cards but idk which card to take out yet. Would need a few more matches in QM to find out what the meta is like to adjust this deck.

The best start to this deck is

T1 Last Harvest
T2 Caravan Smuggler
T3 Eastroad Bandit
T4 Backstab + Hit List
T5 Hasted Winthill Assailer + ability
T6 Brigand Captain