This card needs nerfed it is extremely op when combined with Cleric of Asyn. I have been killed in a single turn from full health many times from this. Probably limit the ability to only the first item or support ability destroyed, at the very minimum. Even with that change the value of that armor for an uncommon that only cost 3 would be amazing.

It is also near immpossible to defend. Since the armor also cleanses the Clyric of Asyn of any negative effects you cant disable the cleric. With the cleansing ability you are really limited on what you can defend with here. You also cant defend with support abilitys because they can just be destroyed and in doing so triggers the first attack. Even killing the Cleric of Asyn, destroying the Clerics Mantle or key artifacts doesnt work well because of all the ways these decks can bring them back from the graveyard or just replace cheaply.

I was killed from full health on turn 8 last time it happened, I had killed all allies they had played and destroyed a couple artifacts. They started the turn with Clerics Mantle and 2 artifacts on board with no allies and were still able to summon the Cleric of Asyn, use the ability on him, and kill me from full health. Wtf?