Look, I've been playing this game a long time. I think I came in around season 11. My first real deck was a Darkclaw solo back when his hero ability prevented damage.

This is the single worst design choice you people have considered at least since I've been following the game. There are games like Hearthstone and Duelyst that are built, from the ground up, to mitigate the length of the game. They include mandatory deck sizes, and automatically scaling mana systems, and much more generous and simplistic draw systems (Duelyst gives you a free mulligan every turn, for instance). That approach works fine for these games. Shadow Era has literally one unique feature to recommend it over other games: its sacrifice mechanic. This mechanic does not mesh well with a quick game design. It works best when you take the turns to set up a draw engine so you have many sac options and then leverage card advantage to win. That's not to say that you can't win games with a small aggro-style deck - and in fact most competitive decks hover between 40-50 cards. It DOES mean, however, that you will never succeed in making this an 8-turn game. There are just other games designed specifically for that, and they do it better.

You might manage to drive people away from the game, though. I don't know how many Shadow Crystals I've bought over the years (it's easily in the hundreds of USD), but I can tell you right now that I will delete this account before I waste my time playing another Hearthstone wannabe. Stick to your strengths: extremely flexible deck choices for players, interesting decision-making brought on by the sacrifice mechanic, and low RNG effects.