I think it's about time I start giving card ideas again. It's been a long time.

Horris, the Fickle Hearted
Neutral ally
1attack 1health
When Horris is killed, he is returned to play under the control of the player who killed him, and gain base attack and health equal to the base attack and health he had when killed.

So the idea with him is that he always wants to fight on the winning team, so if he is defeated in battle, he joins the enemy side. The way he would work is if you played him, and your opponent killed him, he would return to play on their side, and have 2/2 stats. Then let's say your opponent sacrifices him with final flourish, then he would again return to play under their control, but he would be a 3/3 instead. If you were to buff him with elementalis, into a 2/4, then he would be a 3/5 when he returns to play. Hope that makes sense

I think he would make for fun and interesting games, where players are fighting to keep control of the fickle hearted fighter. You could easily build decks around this idea, using things like mind control to punish opponents who get control, or tidal waves to bring Horris back to your side no matter who controls him. As a named unit, he would be unique, and thus there could only be one under your control at a time, so it wouldn't get out of hand with 4 of these guys being on the field after a tidal wave. Final flourish would be a great combo peice, as a sacrifice outlet, especially with Garth. As always, please give me your guy's opinions on this card