Really love this game and think it is great.

A few things really bug me.
Aldmor - these cards have decent stats, but can also all attack and use their ability in the same round, many of their abilities have 1 or 0 cost so there is little drawback to using them
Twilight - seem much stronger than say comparable cost older cards, get a few down and they all buff each other - compare Twilight to say Yari, the 2 point Tw card does a +2 statboost vs a 5 point Yari card that does a +1 and +1 and I can only have one out at a time
Landscapes - not sure these add anything to the game except some cheesy ways to instawin games

Quite willing to admit that I have heaps to learn about the game, but I am not sure what you expect a new player to think when things are happening all over the board that can't be countered with the older cards in the game. When I look at the older cards they all seem to have a drawback to using them but the newer cards don't.