Hero: Threbin the Righteous

Dirk Saber x2
Jasmine x1
Aldon the Brave x2
Zailen Crusader x2
Guardian of Unaxio x2
Devoted Knight x3
Sindarok Apprentice x2
Lily x1
Knight of the Golden Dawn x1
Justicar Alysia

Forgiveness x1
Healing Touch x3
Ice Storm x3
Focused Prayer x3
Smite x3
Zail's Hymn x2
Tidal Wave x4
Mass Purification x1

Glass Chalice of Knowing x3
Scriptures of the Righteous x2
Rod of Smiting x2

Total = 45 cards (incl. Hero)

I am basing this deck off of the Threbin Templar Control Deck. Some of the numbering on these cards is due to the fact that I am a relatively new player with limited resources who isn't quite willing yet to cough up the "big bucks" to buy a ton of SC. The other part of the numbering is that these are simply the cards I have.

I'm considering taking out Focused Prayer and including something else, but I'm not sure what yet. I would also like to perhaps include less allies or more targeted allies that will help to create synergy among the cards. I was hoping for a deck that can stall but also can deal damage when the time comes later in the game. I like the concept of the stall/control deck (a strategy I enjoy and use in other games like Yugioh, which I know is so little like SE that the comparison probably will make y'all laugh more than anything) but I find that I'm not quite sure how to use it / what to trash / good at it. To sum, I aimed for stall/control + ability/ally damage (something like a white/green, white/black MTG deck perhaps).

I haven't used this deck competitively, only against the AI and only against Zaladar (this is how you know I'm learning: I have trouble beating some of the AI opponents), so I understand if this deck isn't quite competitive or even good. So I ask: less lambasting, more revision; everyone will thank you.

Any help/strategy/revisions would be appreciated and considered.