4x Aldon
4x Night Owl
1x Sorcerer
2x Raven
2x Brax
2x Aeon
2x Viska
2x Eriss
2x Nath
2x Oliver

3x Stop thief
1x Anarchic Looting
3x Hit list
3x Anklebreaker
2x Shuriken

Every meta has it's hero and current slow 3.13 power Lance makes comeback. This deck took me to 334 rating last season and is still very usable over 300 rating, as there are not many counter decks. The original idea or Kylt's Power Range Lance is what makes this work - cast fatties until opp doesn't have a way to deal with it.

12 3cc allies are key, as you need T3 drop. POTL is great vs RD Badu, Therb, Moon and mages. Owl is obviously good for draw and stealth, but if I cast T2 HL I prefer T3 POTL. Aldon is more finishing move, also going first T3 drop + T4 aldon kills most T3 allies.

The key to this deck is to know when to haste your allies. Against undead moon you want to haste you T4-5 drop (sorcerer is great for this) in order to clear board before opp starts to hide. Against priests you drop your ally and don't haste, because of tidal and haste ally after tidal. Against warriors your best drop is Eriss of course.

This is a comeback deck with slow start, which doesn't matter that much atm (will be gone with 3.14). Because of this autolose is rush mage, but you won't meet much of those over 300. Tough battle is Zal, but it is winnable, depending on how good your opp can play it. Prax is surprising easy to beat, as with your minimal draw he can't really mill you. Any deck that uses bazaar loses vs this.