Lance - Justice League

4x Ironmonger
4x Night Owl
3x Lyra Blackrose
2x Aeon
1x Eriss
2x Nathanias
2x Oliver Fagin
2x Void Wretch
4x Ancient of Aldmor

4x Hit List
3x Ill Gotten Gains
4x Anklebreaker

4x Anmor: Garnia Road

i like this deck, its a lot of fun to play. kind of moves away from my usually, since there is really only one way to win. which also means if your opponent deals with all your garina's, its harder to win. but you can still spam the fatties without it. plenty of draw so you can sac if needed.

void wretch to help you get rid of their land covering yours.

i tried to make it so you had some decent turn 1-4 plays, but it sometimes gets a little off. you can always have a ironmonger and/or night owl opening.

lyra really shines in this meta with all the SE activated abilities out there, can really shut some decks down. lyra is probably goingto be in all my rogue decks from now on