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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2015
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    Digital SF class deck price list (60 cards as of V2.890)

    Deck lists on Wulven's issue tracker

    Premium Human Warrior Deck (60 cards with Tala Pureheart)
    Sell price = 6475G

    Premium Human Mage Deck (60 cards with Aramia)
    Sell price = 6885G

    Premium Human Hunter Deck (60 cards with Ythan Redthorn)
    Sell price = 7080G

    Premium Human Priest Deck (60 cards with Threbin the Righteous)
    Sell price = 6595G

    Premium Human Rogue Deck (60 cards with Garth Ravensoul)
    Sell price = 6835G

    Premium Shadow Warrior Deck (60 cards with Vess Swifthands)
    Sell price = 7055G

    Premium Shadow Mage Deck (60 cards with Raikka Spellseeker)
    Sell price = 7255G

    Premium Shadow Hunter Deck (60 cards with Skervox)
    Sell price = 6220G

    Premium Shadow Wulven Deck (60 cards with Bloodfang)
    Sell price = 6595G

    Premium Shadow Elemental Deck (60 cards with Praxix)
    Sell price = 6820G
    Last edited by 2phite; 01-30-2015 at 04:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    Tournaments Won
    Premium Human Warrior Deck (60 cards with Tala Pureheart)
    Sell price = 6475G

    Hero: Tala Pureheart
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (37):
    2x Birgitte Skullborn
    = 2 * 55G = 110G
    2x Dirk Saber
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Puwen Bloodhelm
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Champion of Irum
    = 1 * 275G = 275G
    1x Eleanor, Princess of Ellos
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    2x Yari Bladedancer
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Jasmine Rosecult
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    2x Aldon the Brave
    = 2 * 215G = 430G
    2x Gaderi Barbarian
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Spirit Warden
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Fleet-footed Messenger
    = 2 * 105G = 210G
    2x Yari Spearman
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Zailen Crusader
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Lily Rosecult
    = 2 * 115G = 230G
    1x Stalwart Battleguard
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    2x Sorcerer of Endia
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Fortified Wisp
    = 1 * 340G = 340G
    2x Yari Marksman
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Raven Wildheart
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    2x Armored Sandworm
    = 2 * 115G = 230G
    1x Braxnorian Soldier
    = 1 * 50G = 50G

    Abilities (10):
    3x Crippling Blow
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    2x Smashing Blow
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    3x Blood Frenzy
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    1x Enrage
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Overwhelm
    = 1 * 75G = 75G

    Items (12):
    3x Loom of Fate
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x War Banner
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Jeweler's Dream
    = 1 * 235G = 235G
    2x Spectral Sabre
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    1x Berserker's Edge
    = 1 * 235G = 235G
    2x Sword of Might
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x The King's Pride
    = 1 * 335G = 335G

    Premium Human Mage Deck (60 cards with Aramia)
    Sell price = 6885G

    Hero: Aramia
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (28):
    2x Puwen Bloodhelm
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Twilight Opportunist
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Cinderborn Fatebreaker
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Jasmine Rosecult
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    1x Aldon the Brave
    = 1 * 215G = 215G
    2x Gaderi Barbarian
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Spirit Warden
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Sun-blighted One
    = 2 * 110G = 220G
    1x Artful Squire
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Rider of Ellos
    = 2 * 55G = 110G
    1x Knight of Unaxio
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Thunderstone Golem
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Erika Shadowhunter
    = 2 * 195G = 390G
    2x Raven Wildheart
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    1x Earthen Protector
    = 1 * 200G = 200G
    1x Braxnorian Soldier
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Growing Bog-dweller
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Thunderstrike Construct
    = 1 * 340G = 340G

    Abilities (18):
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Consuming Fear
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    3x Fireball
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Road Less Traveled
    = 2 * 180G = 360G
    1x Poison Gas
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Lightning Strike
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Engulfing Flames
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Portal
    = 2 * 195G = 390G
    2x Meteor Shower
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Transmogrification Curse
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    2x Supernova
    = 2 * 130G = 260G

    Items (13):
    2x Tome of Knowledge
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Crystal Shards
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Platinum Chainmail
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Boooomerang
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Ascendant of the Hero
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Aldmor Conduit
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Blazing Shield
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Staff of Disintegration
    = 1 * 250G = 250G
    1x Amulet of Conjuring
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Dagger of Unmaking
    = 1 * 300G = 300G
    1x Snow Sapphire
    = 1 * 235G = 235G

    Premium Human Hunter Deck (60 cards with Ythan Redthorn)
    Sell price = 7080G

    Hero: Ythan Redthorn
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (31):
    2x Dirk Saber
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Puwen Bloodhelm
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Layarian Diplomat
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Jasmine Rosecult
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    2x Aldon the Brave
    = 2 * 215G = 430G
    1x Spirit Warden
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Fleet-footed Messenger
    = 2 * 105G = 210G
    1x Layarian Seductress
    = 1 * 275G = 275G
    1x Zailen Crusader
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Midnight Sentinel
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Venomflame Archer
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Lily Rosecult
    = 1 * 115G = 115G
    1x Artful Squire
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Knight of Unaxio
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Deepwood Bobcat
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Snowland Spotter
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    2x Erika Shadowhunter
    = 2 * 195G = 390G
    2x Raven Wildheart
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    1x Braxnorian Soldier
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Viska, The Scarlet Blade
    = 1 * 165G = 165G

    Abilities (13):
    2x Poison Arrow
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Retreat!
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    3x Hunter's Gambit
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Surprise Attack
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Road Less Traveled
    = 2 * 180G = 360G
    2x The Perfect Shot
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    1x A Legend Rises
    = 1 * 260G = 260G

    Items (15):
    1x Loom of Fate
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    3x Snare Trap
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    3x Weevil-tipped Crossbow
    = 3 * 165G = 495G
    1x Pride of the Mountain
    = 1 * 250G = 250G
    2x Griffoncrest Dagger
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Night Prowler
    = 1 * 210G = 210G
    1x Soul Seeker
    = 1 * 380G = 380G
    2x Sword of Might
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Looter's Baton
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    Last edited by 2phite; 01-30-2015 at 04:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Tournaments Joined
    Tournaments Won
    Premium Human Priest Deck (60 cards with Threbin the Righteous)
    Sell price = 6595G

    Hero: Threbin the Righteous
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (19):
    2x Aldon the Brave
    = 2 * 215G = 430G
    2x Zailen Crusader
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Guardian of Unaxio
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    3x Devoted Knight
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Sindarok Apprentice
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    1x Lily Rosecult
    = 1 * 115G = 115G
    1x Mystic of the Vale
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Elizabeth Winterborn
    = 1 * 255G = 255G
    2x Braxnorian Soldier
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Knight of the Golden Dawn
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Justicar Alysia
    = 1 * 340G = 340G
    1x Viska, The Scarlet Blade
    = 1 * 165G = 165G

    Abilities (23):
    1x Retreat!
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Forgiveness
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Lingering Essence
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Embers of the Just
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Healing Touch
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Ice Storm
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    3x Focused Prayer
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    1x Resurrection
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Smite
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Sacred Fire Walker
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Righteous Strike
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Zail's Hymn
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    1x Road Less Traveled
    = 1 * 180G = 180G
    1x Plague
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    2x Banish
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    3x Tidal Wave
    = 3 * 105G = 315G
    1x Mass Purification
    = 1 * 50G = 50G

    Items (17):
    2x Loom of Fate
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    3x Glass Chalice of Knowing
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Scriptures of the Righteous
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Platinum Chainmail
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Book of Curses
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Justicar's Cape
    = 1 * 150G = 150G
    1x Wizent's Staff
    = 1 * 230G = 230G
    2x Looter's Baton
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Rod of Smiting
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    1x Ghostmaker
    = 1 * 200G = 200G
    1x Madelain's Scepter
    = 1 * 400G = 400G

    Premium Human Rogue Deck (60 cards with Garth Ravensoul)
    Sell price = 6835G

    Hero: Garth Ravensoul
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (29):
    2x Nightshade
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Layarian Diplomat
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Twilight Opportunist
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Skilled Ironmonger
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    = 1 * 200G = 200G
    1x Spirit Warden
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Fleet-footed Messenger
    = 1 * 105G = 105G
    3x Night Owl
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    2x Midnight Sentinel
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Vozitian Trader
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Wily Smuggler
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Sword Thief
    = 2 * 180G = 360G
    2x Sorcerer of Endia
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Raven Wildheart
    = 1 * 200G = 200G
    1x Armored Sandworm
    = 1 * 115G = 115G
    2x Braxnorian Soldier
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Viska, The Scarlet Blade
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Oliver Fagin
    = 1 * 330G = 330G

    Abilities (15):
    1x Silent Strike
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Backstab
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    3x Assassination
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    1x Treasured Heirloom
    = 1 * 275G = 275G
    2x Garth's Concoction
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Road Less Traveled
    = 1 * 180G = 180G
    3x Stop, Thief!
    = 3 * 100G = 300G
    1x Coercion
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Anarchic Looting
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Items (15):
    1x The Last Harvest
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Loom of Fate
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Frying Pan
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Black Garb
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Wooden Spear
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Weevil-tipped Crossbow
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    3x Ill-Gotten Gains
    = 3 * 100G = 300G
    1x Griffoncrest Dagger
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Spirit Shuriken
    = 1 * 495G = 495G
    1x Anklebreaker
    = 1 * 200G = 200G
    1x Sword of Might
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Looter's Baton
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Thoughtripper's Cutlass
    = 1 * 340G = 340G

    Premium Shadow Warrior Deck (60 cards with Vess Swifthands)
    Sell price = 7055G

    Hero: Vess Swifthands
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (22):
    2x Spitfire Hound
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Yari Bladedancer
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Yari Spearman
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    3x Cleric of the Asyn
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Ravager Zealot
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Yari Shieldbearer
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Braxnorian Veteran
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Murderous Hulk
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Yari Marksman
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Grimjaw Hydra
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Thriss Demolitionist
    = 1 * 340G = 340G
    1x Xander, Yari Captain
    = 1 * 335G = 335G

    Abilities (23):
    1x Alert and Able
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    3x Crippling Blow
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    1x Killing Spree
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Ellos' Resolve
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Curse of the Aldmor
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Confluence of Fate
    = 1 * 340G = 340G
    1x Smashing Blow
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    3x Blood Frenzy
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    1x Lythite Coating
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Bloodthirsty
    = 1 * 275G = 275G
    1x Mark of the Feared
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Will to Fight
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Enrage
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Rampage
    = 1 * 110G = 110G
    1x Mettle of the Yari
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Enslave the Beast
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    1x Dawn Raid
    = 1 * 75G = 75G

    Items (14):
    1x Obelisk of Echoes
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Loom of Fate
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Crown of Ages
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Crystal Shards
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Thriss Almanac
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Cleric's Mantle
    = 1 * 150G = 150G
    2x Pithing Spear
    = 2 * 150G = 300G
    1x Spectral Sabre
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    2x Looter's Baton
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Pride of the Yari
    = 1 * 150G = 150G
    1x Rothem's Visage
    = 1 * 400G = 400G

    Premium Shadow Mage Deck (60 cards with Raikka Spellseeker)
    Sell price = 7255G

    Hero: Raikka Spellseeker
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (36):
    2x Ironhide Karash
    = 2 * 55G = 110G
    2x Frostmare
    = 2 * 80G = 160G
    2x Harbinger of the Lost
    = 2 * 85G = 170G
    2x Cinderborn Fatebreaker
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Infernal Gargoyle
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Wulven Predator
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Morbid Acolyte
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Death Collector
    = 2 * 275G = 550G
    2x Wulven Scout
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Rampant Krygon
    = 2 * 170G = 340G
    2x Grimghast
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Belladonna
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Gravemonger
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Phoenix Urigon
    = 2 * 340G = 680G
    3x Shadow Knight
    = 3 * 105G = 315G
    1x Furrion Terror
    = 1 * 275G = 275G
    2x Flameborn Defiler
    = 2 * 165G = 330G

    Abilities (16):
    2x Shriek of Vengeance
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Stoneskin
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Fireball
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Incendiary Curse
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Poison Gas
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Lightning Strike
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Engulfing Flames
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    3x Portal
    = 3 * 195G = 585G
    2x Supernova
    = 2 * 130G = 260G

    Items (7):
    3x Tome of Knowledge
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    1x Flameforged Gauntlets
    = 1 * 330G = 330G
    2x Amulet of Conjuring
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Flameforged Scepter
    = 1 * 495G = 495G
    Last edited by 2phite; 01-30-2015 at 04:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Tournaments Joined
    Tournaments Won
    Premium Shadow Hunter Deck (60 cards with Skervox)
    Sell price = 6220G

    Hero: Skervox
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (34):
    2x Brutalis
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Ironhide Karash
    = 2 * 55G = 110G
    2x Harbinger of the Lost
    = 2 * 85G = 170G
    2x Infernal Gargoyle
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Morbid Acolyte
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Rampant Krygon
    = 2 * 170G = 340G
    3x Venomflame Archer
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Belladonna
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Murderous Hulk
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    3x Deepwood Bobcat
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Snowland Spotter
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Plasma Behemoth
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Shadow Knight
    = 2 * 105G = 210G
    2x Darkwood Wraith
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    1x Wendith Eagle-eye
    = 1 * 250G = 250G
    1x Drangis, Lord of the Hunt
    = 1 * 340G = 340G

    Abilities (13):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Poison Arrow
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Sacrificial Lamb
    = 1 * 200G = 200G
    3x Hunter's Gambit
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Surprise Attack
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Acid Jet
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x The Perfect Shot
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    1x Shriek of Revulsion
    = 1 * 75G = 75G

    Items (12):
    1x Loom of Fate
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Snare Trap
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Weevil-tipped Crossbow
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    1x Wrath of the Forest
    = 1 * 210G = 210G
    2x Griffoncrest Dagger
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    3x Sword of Might
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    1x Grundler's Double
    = 1 * 400G = 400G

    Premium Shadow Wulven Deck (60 cards with Bloodfang)
    Sell price = 6595G

    Hero: Bloodfang
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (32):
    3x Pack Wolf
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    3x Bloodpack Shaman
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Bad Wolf
    = 2 * 130G = 260G
    3x Wulven Predator
    = 3 * 50G = 150G
    3x Wulven Scout
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    3x Dread Wolf
    = 3 * 75G = 225G
    2x Wulven Tracker
    = 2 * 200G = 400G
    2x Lightning Hunter
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Wulven Tactician
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Soothjaw
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Tiger Wulf
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    2x Griptooth
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Howlfang, Terror of the Vale
    = 2 * 255G = 510G
    1x Riphide
    = 1 * 340G = 340G

    Abilities (20):
    2x Now You're Mine
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    3x Blood Moon
    = 3 * 100G = 300G
    2x Death from Above
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Wulven Rally
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Captured Prey
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Speedstrike
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Regeneration
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Mark of the Feared
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    2x Full Moon
    = 2 * 105G = 210G
    1x Rabid Bite
    = 1 * 135G = 135G
    2x Shadow Font
    = 2 * 110G = 220G
    1x Wulven Resilience
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Overwhelm
    = 1 * 75G = 75G

    Items (7):
    2x What Big Teeth
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Dreadclaw Totem
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Howlfang's Breastplate
    = 1 * 330G = 330G
    1x Fangs of the Predator
    = 1 * 300G = 300G
    2x Looter's Baton
    = 2 * 75G = 150G

    Premium Shadow Elemental Deck (60 cards with Praxix)
    Sell price = 6820G

    Hero: Praxix
    = 1 * 150G = 150G

    Allies (27):
    2x Fire Snake
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Ironhide Karash
    = 2 * 55G = 110G
    2x Frostmare
    = 2 * 80G = 160G
    2x Harbinger of the Lost
    = 2 * 85G = 170G
    2x Infernal Gargoyle
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    = 2 * 100G = 200G
    1x Wulven Predator
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    1x Wulven Scout
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    2x Rampant Krygon
    = 2 * 170G = 340G
    1x Grimghast
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Brimstone Devourer
    = 1 * 360G = 360G
    2x Reactorary
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    2x Gravemonger
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Murderous Hulk
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Falseblood Cultist
    = 1 * 360G = 360G
    1x Stardust Extractor
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Shadow Knight
    = 1 * 105G = 105G
    1x Darkwood Wraith
    = 1 * 100G = 100G

    Abilities (20):
    2x Transference
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Life Infusion
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Synchronicity
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    2x Shocking Grasp
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    2x Redux Channel
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Soul Reaper
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Energy Extraction
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Mimic
    = 1 * 150G = 150G
    1x Mark of the Feared
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    1x Vision of Endia
    = 1 * 75G = 75G
    1x Shadow Font
    = 1 * 110G = 110G
    1x Interference
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Mind Control
    = 1 * 155G = 155G
    1x Eternal Renewal
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    1x Dawn Raid
    = 1 * 75G = 75G

    Items (12):
    1x Infinity Core
    = 1 * 50G = 50G
    2x Antimatter
    = 2 * 50G = 100G
    1x Arthyle's Crypt
    = 1 * 100G = 100G
    2x Crystal Shards
    = 2 * 75G = 150G
    1x Meat Wagon
    = 1 * 165G = 165G
    2x Dagger of Fate
    = 2 * 165G = 330G
    1x Aural Battery
    = 1 * 330G = 330G
    1x Dimension Ripper
    = 1 * 310G = 310G
    1x Soulbound Armor
    = 1 * 340G = 340G
    Last edited by 2phite; 01-30-2015 at 04:32 PM.

  5. #5
    Lead Developer / Designer Gondorian's Avatar
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    Oh, wow. You are a legend.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Lahiri's Avatar
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    in 7enebris
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    Wow thanks!
    It seems Ythan deck is the new Elemental starter deck (i.e. The deck used to buy gold).

    A smart way to make people use Ythan lol.

    IGN: 17 Shining

    1lluminati in 7enebris

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Senior Member LucasBlitz's Avatar
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    Take all my +1's!!!
    (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง the unseen phoenix donger is the deadliest (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง
    Justiciar of the Audacious
    Warrior of the Blue Pheonix
    Greatness, Reborn

    "When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car." -- Author Unknown
    (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง the unseen phoenix donger is the deadliest (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง

  9. #9
    Senior Member jayceemp's Avatar
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    thank you!

  10. #10
    Senior Member PR Creepy's Avatar
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    Thanks alot
    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Trough power I gain, victory.
    Trough victory my chains are broken

    IGN:A1 Creepy
    GMT: -4


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