Got matched up with a guy using a gravebone 64 card deck (which I cringed at. I never get the point of using above 40, 50 cards at best.) He had a playmat and a fancy sleeve, so I sat right up and prepared to do some thinking.

He used a semi-burn strategy where he flung fireballs and lightning strikes at me. Nothing to worry about. Falseblood-reactorary combo is awsum.

And he promptly ragequit on turn 5/6 when he starts to top-deck and I had field advantage.

My next QM was with him again. Same stuff, except this time he... Cast a Bone King guy (the one that loops back to the hand when killed) which I easilly Mind Control'd, and a falseblood cultist?
Yep, he rage-quit again in the middle of the match.

Now, I don't mean to demean him, but seeing people that I'm fighting just up and left the room when they're losing mid-game fight was just... I dunno, sad for me.

Considering he was using sleeves and playmats while being a 60-ish rating, I suppose it's an alt and he had money to burn.

The final question in my mind: what the heck is Gravebone doing there? I've only seen him use gravebone on allies he discarded using Falseblood. Wouldn't Majiya fare better and has the draw power needed to dig that eiffel tower of a deck?

Yes, I realize I'm ranting. It's just bothering me. Apologies for ramming your face with a text wall.