Quote Originally Posted by Ashriel88 View Post
So there is α 66.68 % chance that would draw it by turn 3. And the chance to draw it by turn 3 in 10 consecutive games (the ones that i checked) is 66.68%10 = 1.73% according to statistics. It is a little lucky to be part of the 1.73% chances instead of the 98.27%, don't you think?
No offence to your deckbuilding or playing skills (which I think are awesome), just want to point out that sometimes luck favored you in the drawing engine part of the games and the deck looked more consistent due to not needing additional draw in any of the games

Agree entirely, and very very well put! But let me ask you this... Why do I need secondary draw? If I miss BF on T3 does that mean I need to play a bad card, for example, like bazaar? You don't need to draw cards if you aren't playing cards. BF can be played on a later turn when you draw it and there is a lull in the board action. I'm a huge fan of not including cards for the sake of "draw." Drawing is important, very important. But you can also design a deck to work when it does not draw its engine - I think this deck works. Cripples and Marksman will buy you time when you miss BF. Just my 2 cents