Last night somebody used a victor build that stomped me into the ground (and I was using a deck that I had got into the 310-320 range) - I was so shamefully stomped it was amazing - I had FTA and had perfect draws and all I managed to do was keep a firesnake out for my first three turns.

So I made an imitation deck of it guessing what they threw in and found it to be insanely effective, like they had I ended up with a friggin army on my board except for the mage battles I kept messing up the timing of enchanted oak. Looking at Preybird's build I notice the two builds are very different, so Victor is probably more dynamic than what he's been given credit for. I am really liking Victor though, I really can't see why more people don't use him. I suppose like Logan you really have to know what you are doing, ever face off with one of those Logan's ranked over 280?