been playing shadow era for a while but i found myself in forums recently, and wanted to say hi. my tcg history comes from pokemon i guess, first card game of mine was pokemon, then i started (both in real cards and digital) magic the gathering, played it for years and years, even i had some local tournament rankings, then we stopped magic for some reason, and later that, we found shadow era, to be honest, i was hit by Rogue deck for the first impression. because in every role playing game (back to baldur's gate) i played rogue/thief classes,including, wow, the elder scroll series, icewind, neverwinter etc..., and there was a ROGUE build/deck in Shadow era, that was the reason i started to play shadow era, and i see that i made the right decision :P
anyways, just wanted to say hi, for any rogue deck discussion, conversation, we can always talk. i made up several decks, i always love to discuss about decks, strategies, critics.
wish you merry christmas by the way