This is one of my favorite decks

Champion x4
Divine Connection x1
Lingering Essence x1
Forgiveness x1
Jasmine x4
Seductress x3
Good Ascendant x1
Ice Storm x3
Sacred Fire Walker x3
Focused Prayer x4
Wizents Staff x4
Banish x3
Tidal Wave x4
Knight of the Golden Dawn x4
Celestial Armor x3

44 cards total.

Iv had good success with this deck even though it's over the 42 popular limit. I like using attachments but I've learned not to over do it because you don't want to be in need for allies and drawing attachments sometimes. I found direct damage cards like ice storm and smite to be very effective as well and recently started using them again due to the fact that you can always use them as extra damage to gain board control or deal with stealthy opponents and of course, enemies like ironhide.
I've had some interesting loops with divine connection and also lingering essence has been helpful many times. Forgiveness is very good for priests as well to regain that early sacrifice of a fattie or needed item.