I can recall having read an article or two about tempo from some of the very distinguished players. However, I don't recall the subject of tempo being very clearly defined in terms of how to think about it. So, I decided that I would attempt an article of my own.

Tempo. Players that are newer to trading card games may not know about or understand the concept if someone mentions it. Average to skilled players will understand, at least on a basic level, how to achieve tempo gains to find a decisive advantage over their opponents. So, the question is "What is tempo?".

Tempo, Italian for time, is a fairly lucid concept in card games. It is not always easy to define or understand, which can make it difficult to effectively play your best. So I think to start we need to define what time is in Shadow Era. This is my own personal opinion and I think it holds fairly true in most cases, if not all, for understanding tempo. I like to consider each resource spent as the amount of semi-static or active resources on the field as 1 'gained' tempo per resource (so a Puwen on the field would be 3 tempi). The more resources you have the more 'available' tempo you have. 'Available' tempo is best thought of as a the amount of tempi you can gain in a turn. So, if you have 5 resources (or 5 'available' tempi) you can convert them into 5 'gained' tempi. 'Gained' tempi can be best thought of as a your 'time' gained. So, to help illustrate this concept consider this:

Duel starts. Player 1 and player 2 both draw 6 cards. Player 1 sacrifices a card for 1 resource (it is important to understand that this is not 'gained' tempo, but 'available' tempo)and has 5 cards remaining in hand. Player 1 uses his 1 available tempo to summon a Kristoffer Wyld for 1 gained tempo, while also only having 4 cards remaining in hand. Player 1 attacks Player 2's hero and then ends his turn. Player 2 draws for a total of 7 cards in hand. He sacrifices one for an available tempo and now has 6 cards in hand. Player 2 also summons a Kristoffer Wyld for a 1 gained tempo and 5 cards in hand. He attacks Player 1's Kristoffer Wyld, destroying it, and removing his gained tempo. Player 1 has 0 tempo and 4 cards to/in play, while Player 2 has 1 tempo and 6 cards to/in play. Player 2 at this point has a time and card advantage (he would also have the SE growth advantage, but this example need not be that in depth). Play continues, so Player 1 draws a card to 5 cards. He sacrifices one to have 4 cards and 2 resources (available tempi). Player 1 summons a Puwen to the field for a gain of 2 tempi and have 4 cards to/in play; he ends his turn. Player 2 draws a card for a total of 7 cards to/in play but promptly sacrifices one for 6 cards to/in play and 2 resources (available tempi). Player 2 also summons a Puwen for a 2 gained tempi and 6 cards to/in play. His advantages are 3 vs 2 tempi and 6 vs 4 cards. Play continues with Player 2 ending his turn. Player 1 draws for a total of 5 cards to/in play, but sacrifices one for 3 available tempi and 4 cards to/in play. Player 1 summons an Aldon for 3 gained tempo and a total of 5 tempi and 4 cards to/in play. Player 1 uses Puwen to attack and destroy Player 2's Puwen. He ends his turn. Now Player 1 has an advantage of 5 vs 1 tempi and a slight disadvantage of 4 vs 5 cards to/in play.

Okay, so, I think the point of how to think about it is fairly well illustrated, but what does all that mean? WellPlayer 1 on the end of his 3rd turn had a tempo advantage of +4, but was -1 in card advantage. First turn gets the major advantage of being able to gain tempo on a linear level first, therefore able to affect both players tempi amounts first. Second turn does get compensation for this, in the form of an early card advantage and SE growth advantage. So why is it useful to think about tempo in this manner? Because if you can think of or discover ways to add to your tempo, especially as a second turn player, without actually spending resources but rather spending SE or through card effects you can quickly take over a game. Some ways to do this would be Baduruu's ability, Howlfang, Gravebone's ability, Jeweler's Dream (by giving you 2 extra available tempi), etc etc. In my opinion, tempo is the most important advantage to have, which is why first turn is considered favorable even though second turn gets two advantages as compensation. Since it is the most important I try to build my decks with ways to gain tempo WITHOUT spending from my available tempi (available resources).

I hope this helps, if anyone has question ask away. I will do my best to expound upon topics or nuances, and clear up any misunderstandings.