So I started out as most people did with Elad Rush and climbed high enough to 230. But as we all know Elad Rush is overreliant on getting a good starting hand. Bad hand= Defeat screen. So after a spree of bad hands that saw me lose 6 games in a row, I set about to build a deck that rushes as well as Elad but doesn't immediately gets rolled over by a bad start.This Nishaven rushes damn well while being able to dish out powerful mid-game pain with both abilities AND allies, something that all-out rush Elad couldn't do.


Kris x4
Puwen x4
PotL x4
Aldon x3
TO x4

Fireball x4
Lightning Strike x4
Supernova x3
Bad Santa x3
Honored Dead x3
LLN x2

DoU x2

Nishaven's ability use is very rare. Most games I only use it once, sometimes not at all. When it is used however, it's a gamechanger. When to use his ability is more gut-feeling than anything else. I've used it when my opponent only has 1 ally on the board, I've used it when I have a board full of my own allies all based on gut-feeling and I've came out victorious. When you use it you'll want to make sure you can play some allies to retake the board on the same turn or at least make it a real boardwipe by combining with LS or Supernova. Main reason why I chose Nish over Elad was because of Sandworms, the moment 2-3 Sandworms come into play against Elad and she can't double nova them, she's dead. Check out

AA1 ShadowBeast vs TranscendingSoul
Lots of nice plays. There was a point when he had three Sandworms and an Aldon on the field. I don't usually worry about Sandworms but coupled with Aldon and a potential second KP to come, they can be quite painful. Hence Nish's ability+ Supernova really saved the game and allowed me to take back the board. That's what I mean when i say Nish is a gamechanger. Just remember that his ability isn't meant to be spammed or to kill as many allies as possible(though that would be nice too.

Your standard Human rush that can be quite effective combined with Nish's boardwipe since you'll be dropping them on an empty board, it's almost the same as starting the game all over again and rushing with your weenies. Casting TO just before a boardwipe is rather risky since ill rather use him as a meat shield but if your really running low on cards then why not. Aldon is a really key ally being able to put a lot of hurt with sufficient allies

Again watch my match against TranscendingSoul when I used a Fireball against T3 Jasmine, something that Elad would be rather reluctant to do. However since you can also rely on your allies to do late game damage(Elad goes face burn without allies), using your burn on allies isn't a really big problem.

Incredibly powerful draw here, all of their draw power combined equates to 20 cards pretty much half your deck. You should be drawing twice per turn on average. Bad Santa is more risky but pulling of a Santa Bomb can really put you ahead in terms of card advantage, also can be used to fish for your burn finisher

DoU is more for stall and safeguarding your weenies so you can mass them on the board.

Overall this deck is more slower than the usual Eladwen but its more stable and safer and will probably win you more games