This my new Majiya deck for expansion I can't wait to use . I call it "Majiya's Protector" deck. Well here it is

1x Majiya

3xIronhide Karash
2xMorbyd Acolyte
3xFrosted Urigon
2xKairos DoomBringer

3x Tok
3xAldmor Conduit
3xConsuming Fear
2xBlackened Hearts
2xUndying Bond
4xLightning Strike

4x Blazing Shield

40 cards total.

And to verify why I'm using some cards you guys might think aren't neccessary, i'm going to give my reason. And just to give reason on other important cards to.

Aldmor Conduit:This card is for card and most importantly as well Blazing Shield. That way you don't just not use SE at all or have to wait to have 6 SE to use your ability. This can be a very good card draw also even if it might help the opposing player but it also helps rid of their SE and helps Blackened Heart more effectively.

Conuming Fear:This is to make your opponent think twice about using that ally attatched with this to attack. Plus if the protector (Kairos Doombringer) is using his ability and the person attatched with this attacks Majiya than practically kiss that ally dead.

Blackened Heart:This is mainly used for Kairos. This could make Kairos Doombringer even more annoying and harder to get rid of. This will make the opponent to think twice to use an ability against him and immune to SE abilities. Mwahahahaha.

Undying Bond:This is for if an important ally dies.*Without Kairos the deck wouldn't work well so you really need him. For example:Kairos or Urigon. Without Kairos the deck wouldn't work well so you really need him. Or if you are in desperate need for allies.

Ironhide Karasho I really need to explain the new 2cc shadow ally king

Morbyd Acolyte:To get rid of annoying passive abilities because there are alot and I mean alot more passive abilities in the expansion. This will get rid the ally alot easier plus his health for a 3cc is very good.

Frosted Urigon:This is to temporarily stop an ally if you don't have the cards and oppurtinity to stop that ally. This help relieves pressure on you and add more to the opponent.

Blazing Shield: One of the most inportant cards in deck. This helps rid allies easier and comes to sync with Kairos. It will make the opponent think twice when attacking because you have an ally that could turn ablazed and attacked by Kairos.

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed my new expansion deck