Hello everyone, this is Blake here. I am going to show you all my deck recipe's for every hero I have!

Okay, I have baseically every hero... I have the following Heros:
1. Boris Skullcrusher
2. Amber Rain
3. Victor Heartstriker
4. Gwenneth Truesight
5. Eladwen Frostmire
6. Lance Shadowstalker
7. Serena Thoughtripper
8. Banebow
9. Baduruu
10. Majiya
11. Gravebone
12. Darkclaw
13. Moonstalker

I am going to Post my Deck Recipes for Each, one at a time, under this main Post. I will wait 2-3 Days after Posting 1 to post the next, to see your feedback. You will Also notice that all my Decks have 41 Including the Hero. I just like starting out with an Even number with my Hero already set out. :3
Thank you and Enjoy!