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  1. #1
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    My Initial Impressions: Haha another thread to read Kyle

    First off, the game is quite fun and I'm enjoying it a lot! Now ill put stuff I've noticed in list form!

    1. Nevermind! Was cleared up in card discussion

    2. There is such little variety in the resource cost between the cards, outside of the one card that lets you have 1 more card in your hand, everything costs 3 or 4. I'd like to see some quick allies for like two resources (Like that Brutallis! I like him). I just saw Fire Snake. I REALLY like him, and will buy packs until I have 4.

    3. I really like the sword animation, simple and the sword looks nifty. Kudos.

    4. Curious, is therea cap on resources? I haven't gone for it as all I really need is 7.

    5. Still on the caps, what is the deck size cap? And how many cards are in the beta deck?

    Overall this is a great game and I'm seeing a lot of potential. Some cards just need some tweaking, and we need to play as the shadow warrior >.>
    Last edited by Drexra; 08-03-2010 at 03:02 AM. Reason: One of my points was addressed; saw fire snake!

  2. #2
    Shadow Era's Avatar
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    Thanks for your impressions, and don't worry I really like hearing back from different players

    2. There are not many allies in the current deck. Actually your fixed deck only has 3 out of 20 human allies! Many more cards will be added over the next few days

    4. There is no limit to resources (although maybe they will look really crowded hehe)

    5. There is no limit on deck size, although only a max of 4 duplicated cards are allowed. Your beta deck only has something like 15 different cards

  3. #3
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    You'll be hearing from me a lot I see huge potential here! I love TCGs but none of my friends play, having access to one on the internet and iphone will be fantastic!

    2. Thats really good to hear! And I'm even going to be using all 3 now! Your comment in Dirk's thread clarified his ability, and that is the bees knees! And Fire Snake, computer has never played him with me. I love it, since I'll be plaing Shadow that is already a favorite card of mine.

    4. Thats quite good to hear! A lot of thinking will be put into thinking how much is too much with resources!

    5. W00T! No deck size, epic. Sounds like a good max, and thanks for the info!


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