(serena stripper version 3)

Serena Super Stripper 45

3x jasmine
2x lily
2x kris
3x puwen
3x brigette
2x raven
3x aldon
3x priest of the light
2x sandworm
2x aeon

4x stop, thief
4x ill gotten gains
3x bad santa
4x gravedigger's cloak
4x anklebreaker

she is a toolbox... but oh so powerful

she seems all over the place, but thats fine... keeps your opponjent off guard. VERY focused support cards though, thats what makes her powerful... massive draw in there as well.

"play against what you think they are gonna do" works so well with toolbox decks, but its just amazing with this one. you basically tech your allies as you play... cast this one, keep that one, sac this one, etc.