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  1. #1
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    Moonstalker vs. Mages - Tips Needed

    Im fairly new to the game but have enjoyed using Moonstalker as my go-to general. I can handle most enemy classes, but I struggle against mages (Eladwen, Nishaven, etc.). I just can't keep any of my allies up long enough to inflict decent damage. Any Moonstalker players have some tips. Conversely, are there any mages who want to share what has worked against them when facing Wulven opponents? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cruxx's Avatar
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    It comes with the nature of MS's ability that it doesn't provide protection against spell damage / mass removal and therefore it is much less reliable vs mages than vs other opponents.

    Mages normally still rely on creatures as well, so it's not always a lost cause. In my games vs mages it normally comes down to the draw luck of the mage, how much Supernova he draws and me trying to provoke the mage into playing her hero ability on expandable creatures and coming out with a Plasma Behemoth or another hardhitter in the turn afterwards, combined with MS's ability, to hopefully keep it alive and deal some damage.

    Jeweler's Dream is also very helpful in getting a speed advantage and getting more creatures out fast.

    If you are able to get out an Ogloth, he will buff himself with every dead creature, so he is a good choice as well to have. (Though the mage would be silly not to target him down preferably with some direct damage.)

    Somehow I won most of my recent games vs mages as they ran out of steam at some point and I just kept playing creatures as they got obliterated. One Supernova can turn the tide anytime though, so in general it's always a tough matchup.
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  3. #3
    World Champion 2014 Sisyphos's Avatar
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    Stuff that helps:

    Keep pressuring them with 5-drops (Plasma B, Molten, Minotaur, Shadow Knight all good; shadow knights in particular 'cause you never want to run out of threats).

    Your fatties might just get blown away by novae, so you need Regeneration to stay out of killing range.

    Don't run Shadow Font, or at least only a few of them.

    Jeweler's Dream lets you deal a bit of damage while you can also play Now you're Mine, Santa or Pack Wolf „for free“.

    Fire Snakes take down Kris as fast as possible and, like JD, nibble a bit on your opponent's hero. If they get killed by Puwen or Brute + Death Mage, they were still worth there cost even if you went second. Every point of damage you deal to the other hero and manage to deflect from yours matters vs mages.
    Last edited by Sisyphos; 03-24-2012 at 09:39 AM.
    A1's man without qualities - Evolution in theory.

    My cards ideas: for mages, for others

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    However much one kind of longs to see the actors in war outdo each other in cunning activity, finesse, and stratagem, still one has to admit that these qualities show themselves but little in history and have rarely been able to emerge from amongst the mass of relations and circumstances.
    The reason for this is obvious enough: Strategy knows no other activity than the arrangement of combats with the measures which relate to it. It doesn't know, like ordinary life, actions that consist of mere words, i.e. expressions, declarations, etc. But these, which are inexpensive, are what the crafty one prefers to deceive with.
    This sober truth is always felt through and through by the actor in war and therefore he ceases to fancy a game of shrewd agility. Necessity presses so hard into immediate action that there is no room left for it. In a word, the pieces on the strategical chessboard lack the mobility that is the element of stratagem and cunning. - CvC, On War

  4. #4
    Senior Member SpeakerOfTruth's Avatar
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    Wrath of the forest keeps you ahead in card advantage.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member bobwei's Avatar
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    The four cards I find useful versus mages are Wrath of the forest, Shadow Kight, Ogloth, Shriek.

    The very card that mages rely on the most to win you is Supernova. So anything that counters it may help a bit, say also regeneration, full moon, lone wolf.

    But still, I don't find there is any way to ensure a win. It is always hard. If moonstalker can win mages easily, then nothing will stop him...
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  6. #6
    Senior Member SpeakerOfTruth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobwei View Post
    But still, I don't find there is any way to ensure a win. It is always hard. If moonstalker can win mages easily, then nothing will stop him...
    True, they already have favourable matchups against lance and warriors.
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  7. #7
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    I play Nishaven religiously. the three cards I find most troublesome to have to deal with versus moonstalker are :

    Wrath of the forest, regeneration, and lonewolf.

    running four regeneration gives you a potential 16 extra life and can remove such cards as poison gas and engulfing flames(though I personally dont use either). and any life gain against a Mage deck is huge.

    Wrath of the forest is to big to go overlooked. drawing a card for every alley that you loose keeps you way ahead of the game.

    Lone wolf, I dont know what to say, making my lightnening strike basically useless and cutting fireballs in half? It gives you several more turns that you wouldn't normally get, to draw into more answers.

    I dont fully agree with jewelers dream, because more often than not its used incorrectly. too many times have I seen those renewed resources get used to play additional allies that should have been held on to.

    I dont really see any certain creature as a hard issue for mages, because there is always an easy answer. the success in your allies comes down to how you play them.----dont over extend, because im dying to cast Supernova.
    Play it safe. in MOST occasions dont ever have more than two allies on the board. FORCE me to use my hero ability or Supernova. then when I pass the turn, follow up with two more allies for me to have to deal with. if your not positive you can win by turn 5 then dont try to beat me right away, force me to run out of answers.

    Anyways, 2 cents from your opponents view.
    Last edited by SamB; 04-01-2012 at 05:03 AM.

  8. #8
    World Champion 2012 iClipse's Avatar
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    6 health allies, Shadow Knight and Molten Destroyer all help vs mages. Try to use your ability when playing a 6health ally so you don't get surprised by a DoU. 6 health allies are 'hard' to kill for mages, so they are usually a good choice.

    Lone Wolf also helps, especially after a nova, and regeneration in general should help too. Make sure you don't sac them when playing vs mages, even if you have multiple in startin hand (except if that means you'll lose the board).
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  9. #9
    Senior Member bobwei's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamB View Post
    I play Nishaven religiously. the three cards I find most troublesome to have to deal with versus moonstalker are :

    Wrath of the forest, regeneration, and lonewolf.

    running four regeneration gives you a potential 16 extra life and can remove such cards as poison gas and engulfing flames(though I personally dont use either). and any life gain against a Mage deck is huge.

    Wrath of the forest is to big to go overlooked. drawing a card for every alley that you loose keeps you way ahead of the game.

    Lone wolf, I dont know what to say, making my lightnening strike basically useless and cutting fireballs in half? It gives you several more turns that you wouldn't normally get, to draw into more answers.

    I dont fully agree with jewelers dream, because more often than not its used incorrectly. too many times have I seen those renewed resources get used to play additional allies that should have been held on to.

    I dont really see any certain creature as a hard issue for mages, because there is always an easy answer. the success in your allies comes down to how you play them.----dont over extend, because im dying to cast Supernova.
    Play it safe. in MOST occasions dont ever have more than two allies on the board. FORCE me to use my hero ability or Supernova. then when I pass the turn, follow up with two more allies for me to have to deal with. if your not positive you can win by turn 5 then dont try to beat me right away, force me to run out of answers.

    Anyways, 2 cents from your opponents view.
    Much appreciated!
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  10. #10
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    never played moonstalker/wulven, but overextending deathbone and molton destroyer really makes for an unpleasant supernova experience.
    especially if you've got wrath of the forest up, and shadow knights to look forward to, i will have to give this a try.

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