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    Thoughts on my Majiya (Danger: Very long text. I might need some serious help.)

    Well, this is basically my second deck after a weak beginning with Serena Thoughtripper (I chose her in the very beginning and then I didn't know that you actually need a weapon card attached to her for her effect to work, on the picture she has a knife, why can't she use that one?^^) and I continually tweaked it a little bit here and there and waited for what comes with 1.30 and now that the patch arrived I rose to rating 270, did some more minor tweaks and now I am not sure what to change anymore.

    whatevs, here is the deck and some explanations afterwards:

    1 Majiya

    4 Fire Snake (+ Portal = Dagger of unmaking-killer :P I'll call him Firesnack because someone else did and I liked the idea.)
    3 Dark Flayer
    2 Brutalis

    3 Infernal Gargoyle
    1 Bad Wolf (Might ditch this one. Kills faster than the gargoyle, but is only very rarely superior. I hardly even remember when the healing effect actually triggered the last time.)
    1 Death Mage Thaddeus
    3 Belladonna (They work great in combination with my portals.)

    1 Plasma Behemoth
    1 Shadow Knight (Is important when I don't get any of my Tomes.)
    1 Brutal Minotaur (Since 1.503, that +1 life is a big difference.)

    2 Shriek of Vengeance
    3 Tome of Knowledge
    3 Fireball (might add a fourth one)
    1 Bloodlust
    2 Lightning Strike
    3 Portal
    1 Poison Gas (Only one single dot. Using both dots on turn 4 and five gives the opponent too much board control while using one dot later in the game makes it too weak in comparison to Fire Ball still that dot sometimes does 10+ damage in defensive matches and thus becomes very precious. If the opponent is using Enrage right before dying he probably had it since turn 1 anyway. :3)
    2 Supernova (For a long time 1 Nova was completely sufficient. Since I have 2 in my deck I'm more like "oh come on, one must be under the next 2 cards" and then of course it isn't. I might opt in changing it to 1 or 3 soon. Works great together with Portal/Snow Sapphire to gain back board control. I like saccing these if the opponent doesn't seem to go for board control, but they are also a decent finisher. What happened recently: Me: 5 health, 3 monsters, Tome out - opponent 1 health, poisoned, no cards on hand or board -> draws this exact card -> draw. Rofl DD)
    1 Ley Line Nexus
    1 Snow Sapphire

    + fast
    + flexible
    + 90% win against Darkclaw
    - makes me feel having bad luck at drawing
    - pretty cluttered, no clear system, might need a complete rebuild.

    So this deck began as a kind of fast killing deck, because after I decided that I'm not going far with Serena I had to get some Gold to get my deck to 40 cards and so I originally optimized it for killing AI-Jericho but fell in love with the card drawing engine and decided to change it into a deck that can be played competetively against human.

    Here are my problems:
    Before and after the patch past 1.29 I've run into the problem of depleting all 39 cards.
    The conclusion would be adding more cards or changing draw-engine-cards to other kind of cards. You'll probably recommend ditching Belladonna, but believe me, she works fantastic in combination with my Portals which are the cards that my deck is centered around the most. Changing draw engine cards to other ones in general will slow the deck down which I don't really want to do, but lightly consider doing.
    I don't want to do the other thing too. Especially because of my only card that I included 4 times: Fire Snake.
    Basically including a card 4 times should "Almost ALWAYS will get 1 on the first draw" (or at least that's what glencocoe said here) but it acutally feels(!) like almost half of the time. And what is even worse is that many many many games I don't have a 2 cost ally on turn 2 either. (Which is not that bad if I could spawn Firesnake and at least have Tome of Knowledge on my hand, but come on, 4 Firesnakes+3 Dark Flayer + 2 Brutalis, why do they all hide in the back of my deck like every 4th time. Sry for whining, some more whining might come, stop reading if I annoy you. Or skip until the break.)
    Tome of Knowledge is another story. I didn't include a fourth one because I figured out that in 90% 3 should be enough so that I can circumvent the lack of drawing engine with other cards until I got a little more than half of my deck and finally the Tome. But then again, sometimes all 3 hide in between the last 7 cards of the deck and when I finally get one the bonus cards that it gives me are the other 2, which are basically worthless because I already got one. I recently had it the other way round: all 3 tomes in my starting hand. The result was that I played my 1st one on turn 2. (because I didn't have any 1 cost or 2 cost allies -.-) and then waited with sacrificing my 3rd one until turn 7 so I have a backup if the 1st one gets destroyed (but couldn't wait any longer) and then right afterwards, basically in the same turn the one I played gets stop thieved by that opponent serena. (Strangely enough I have almost always lost against Serena since the update, while I won all matches vs Serena during 1.29. Did she get that much stronger?)

    So I don't get enough 1 cost allies on turn one (And I experienced them to be more important than you'd think) and any additional card would lower the possibilty. I could also add hellsteed, but come on, that monster is so bad that I recently achieved a perfect win against an Elementalis who spawned 3 Hellsteed, but could not do a single damage until he forfeited. (I managed to destroy every other monster before it could attack and ignored the Hellsteed until turn 9 or so.) I made similar experiences when actually trying out Hellsteed. The other hand is exactly why early Firesnake is so important: If the opponent doesn't have a turn 1 card and all other cards keep canceling each other out Firesnack might (and has) do just as well 10 damage.

    --- this should be the end of whining. xD

    I also don't want to add bad santa because I got many drawing options so there's no point in giving my opponent that extra advantage.
    My rawing options listed:
    - My ability of course.
    - 3 Belladonna
    - 1 Plasma Behemoth (I usually don't consider PB as an ally with 7 attack, but as an ally which gives me an extra fireball every turn which gets eliminated if I don't use it (with some more differences). Helps me deciding wether to use the ability or using the 3 resources somewhere else)
    - 1 Shadow Knight (One might argue that Belladonnas drawing ability is stronger, because Bella can draw anything and SK only monsters, but the opposite is true.
    I know beforehand what I will draw, which is a big advantage - and I can manipulate what I will draw by for example playing PB first, then something different and then SK. Also drawing from the graveyard is better than drawing from the deck because as said 40 cards are drawn rapidly. If I am probably not going to be spawning any allies until playing SK, then I'm usually saccing SK on my very second turn. )
    - 3 Tome of Knowledge
    - to some degree Ley Line Nexus

    = a lot.

    Why do I have so many cards only once in my deck, doesn't that make them to complete crapshots?
    It does make my deck more flexible.
    For example on some plays vs Zaladar, Nishaven or Eladwen I can't seem to get a third ally out at the same time so I quickly sacrifice Bloodlust which won't be a big help. I don't want to draw that useless card again.
    Against Darkclaw I sometimes get out 6 allies at the same time (Especially before the patch.) and then Bloodlust will be a one hit kill if he lets his defenses down for only a single turn. If I don't get Bloodlust vs DC then I might get both Shriek of Vengeance (In an earler verison of the deck I had a 3rd Shriek, but since I figured out that 2 are enough I ditched that one. I'm still winning 80% of Darkclaw matches) which will usually give me 2 more turns with his defenses down.
    I don't mind sacrificing an early Snow Sapphire at all. Most decks sacrifice until 5 or 6 ressources, but with this mighty drawing-engine I often opt to sacrificing 9 or even up to 11 cards (anything beyond 9 is of course only because I get useless cards, like a Tome when the opponent is not using a counter anyways. But they still might come in handy.) Portal+Brutal Minotaur (or any other 5cost ally) in the same turn is a beast.
    With that many sacrifices many different cards will give me more different choices, which is a good thing.

    Another intresting question is why I use Dark Flayer over Brutalis (3:2)
    Brutalis is only strongly superior vs an early Puwen. In many decks he is important for doing that single extra damage.
    I do this either by flexibility. (For everything above 4 live I have multiple ways of adding the exact amount so for example if I get to 5 with my Ability + Dark Flayer and then there comes a 6 live ally on the field I might play Portal + Bad Wolf and go for the hero with my Flayer. :P) or by using the death Mage or by in-combat-sacrificing my Firesnacks, so there are plenty workarounds for that.
    Also I really want to punish decks that ignore early game and that one more damage is doing exactly that. I believe if I was going to use more Brutalis then Dark Flayer, then I had to do bigger adjustments to the deck, but I don't really know which ones and I believe that if I did those adjustments, then other things wouldn't work anymore.

    Sry for the long text. I hope I expressed my problems. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I got almost 400 Shadow Crystals and more than 2k gold, so I might be able to stem some bigger changes or even try out another Hero (Though I do actually really enjoy Majiya.) Maybe I'll try Elementals (I actually already have that card.) But he seems to have weakened through the patch and waiting for multiple sparks might drive me insane.
    Ela also seems intresting, but got much slower again thanks to the patch. What other heroes are fast killers?t
    Last edited by andy01q; 03-19-2012 at 12:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member wreon's Avatar
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    I suggest you format a bit more. Most readers are using their phones to read this thread, when you paragraph without the appropriate spacing, it's like my eyes skim through the article at top speed.

    Portal FS is cute. But, if you have nothing in play, I would think a Belladonna or even a BM would be worse for a DoU. Bouncing 4dmg + draw card, or 6 damage for 5 cc "spell". Takes longer to destroy it, but you get more out of your opponent's card.

    It's only a 56% chance of getting a 4 quantity card on your first draw IF you have a 40 card deck. Worse if you're starting first.

    Btw did you get firesnack from my elementalis deck? Haha.
    Last edited by wreon; 03-19-2012 at 12:33 AM.

  3. #3
    Member TDH's Avatar
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    No, 1x of too many thing is not versatility. You can choose to sac some card easily, but you will also find it hard to do against opponent that require many copies of 1 particular card to counter, not to mention you might not get that card at all. Thats why you feel like having bad luck most of the time. With 1x of a card, its more like you are extremely lucky to get it at the right time.

    With 1x Ley Line, Gwen will totally destroy the deck unless 4x Soul Seeker stay at the 10 last cards of hers. Even Baduuru can give you a very very hard time as he even use more bows than Gwen, and use Shadow Font to boost them all.

    2x Shriek can save you against DC, but against Amber? Probably not. And Amber is way more common to meet than DC atm.

    1x Snow Sapphire will never come. Elementalis will be unbeatable as you have no DoU and too few spells (Gargoyle + Ability + Infusion = Immortal), while he sits comfortably in Armor of Ages and keep pumping allies and use Mind Control.

    I like the idea of rushing, but using portal with so few fatties is pure Meh... As I experience, portal is so good simply because after the monster comes out and clear the board, he will stay there and keep the board or deal a lot damage to the hero, making a recover from your opponent almost impossible, or even if he can react, you already prepare for another monster flood. You only have Minotaur and Plasma that can really do that, but 1x of each is too few.

    I would suggest get the two play style separated completely. Rush and portal simply don't work together well

    Rush: use 4x Snakes, 4x Flayer, 4x Carniboar, 4x Blood Lust, then after early game, put Tome down or use Sacrificial Lamb and start to burn. You might need Webs and Freezing grip as well for delaying opponent allies.

    Portal: use 4x Brutalis, 4x Gargoyle, 4x Webs and try to stand on the same ground as your enemy till you can safely put Portal down and start to flush with Molten, Plasma and Minotaur.

  4. #4
    Senior Member glencocoe's Avatar
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    Well, this is basically my second deck after a weak beginning with Serena Thoughtripper (I chose her in the very beginning and then I didn't know that you actually need a weapon card attached to her for her effect to work, on the picture she has a knife, why can't she use that one?^^) and I continually tweaked it a little bit here and there and waited for what comes with 1.30 and now that the patch arrived I rose to rating 270, did some more minor tweaks and now I am not sure what to change anymore.

    whatevs, here is the deck and some explanations afterwards:

    1 Majiya

    4 Fire Snake (+ Portal = Dagger of unmaking-killer :P I'll call him Firesnack because someone else did and I liked the idea.)
    Get rid of them. ALL of them. Only useful for the portal bouncing....and barely that. I've played for a long time and snakes are NEVER used outside of the first couple turns. They don't have haste like the famous kristoffer

    3 Dark Flayer
    2 Brutalis

    3 Infernal Gargoyle
    1 Bad Wolf (Might ditch this one. Kills faster than the gargoyle, but is only very rarely superior. I hardly even remember when the healing effect actually triggered the last time.)
    initially I'd say GET RID of it....HOWEVER, there are a lot of people who love attacking allies for 1, then finishing off for the next turn. This could be good or bad for you. Not sure.

    great card you might want more

    3 Belladonna (They work great in combination with my portals.)
    i have a personal hate towards belladonna because I feel she's a waste. I won't
    go into why, but I feel just sacrificing 1 more resource to get a good 5cc card in there like molten destroyer is a much more viable strategy. There ARE quite a few pluses to Bella, but I feel the negatives are worse. You're playing majiya....the queen of draw even after her first nerf. You don't need Bella here.

    idk why you only have 1 copies of cards..put in more. Id suggest 4.
    1 Shadow Knight (Is important when I don't get any of my Tomes.) - put in 3
    1 Brutal Minotaur (Since 1.503, that +1 life is a big difference.) - maybe 2

    2 Shriek of Vengeance - opinionwise, for ME, they never showed up, or showed up too early. Common knowledge notes it's best to use after 5 resources. If you get one early, you're gonna HAVE to sacrifice it.
    3 Tome of Knowledge
    3 Fireball (might add a fourth one) - put in 4. You can always sacrifice 1.
    1 Bloodlust - take out. I ran bloodlust for a while and it was nice, but it stunts development of creatures on the board. A nice surprise card...but I'd take out. There are many other creative 3rd cards out there.
    2 Lightning Strike - 4...unless you're running a brand new concept of deck, auto-include 4...PERIOD. I won't explain, but spells are the mages life-blood.
    3 Portal - if you're running a portal deck, put in 4
    1 Poison Gas (Only one single dot. Using both dots on turn 4 and five gives the opponent too much board control while using one dot later in the game makes it too weak in comparison to Fire Ball still that dot sometimes does 10+ damage in defensive matches and thus becomes very precious. If the opponent is using Enrage right before dying he probably had it since turn 1 anyway. :3) - though I hate to admit it, these cards ARE useful, but I don't like them. Do what you want here.

    2 Supernova (For a long time 1 Nova was completely sufficient. Since I have 2 in my deck I'm more like "oh come on, one must be under the next 2 cards" and then of course it isn't. I might opt in changing it to 1 or 3 soon. Works great together with Portal/Snow Sapphire to gain back board control. I like saccing these if the opponent doesn't seem to go for board control, but they are also a decent finisher. What happened recently: Me: 5 health, 3 monsters, Tome out - opponent 1 health, poisoned, no cards on hand or board -> draws this exact card -> draw. Rofl DD)
    this has always been one of those cards I've ALWAYS changes my mind over. I still do. When playing, I've almost always been able to get out of things without them...but it was VERY stressful. I didn't have any room at all for error. And I'd always have to do a bit more. There are times in the beginning of the game where you get a great hand & figure you don't need it, but 4 turns later, you're thinking about another nova. You can always sacrifice them, but when you have a spell & a nova when your opponents down to's invaluable. In fact, I've won my last 2 games that way - no stress involved. Nova made it possible

    1 Ley Line Nexus - @ least 3
    1 Snow Sapphire - idk......

    + fast
    + flexible
    + 90% win against Darkclaw
    - makes me feel having bad luck at drawing
    - pretty cluttered, no clear system, might need a complete rebuild. - Yes

    So this deck began as a kind of fast killing deck, because after I decided that I'm not going far with Serena I had to get some Gold to get my deck to 40 cards and so I originally optimized it for killing AI-Jericho but fell in love with the card drawing engine and decided to change it into a deck that can be played competetively against human.

    Here are my problems:
    Before and after the patch past 1.29 I've run into the problem of depleting all 39 cards.
    The conclusion would be adding more cards or changing draw-engine-cards to other kind of cards. You'll probably recommend ditching Belladonna, but believe me, she works fantastic in combination with my Portals which are the cards that my deck is centered around the most. Changing draw engine cards to other ones in general will slow the deck down which I don't really want to do, but lightly consider doing.
    I don't want to do the other thing too. Especially because of my only card that I included 4 times: Fire Snake.
    Basically including a card 4 times should "Almost ALWAYS will get 1 on the first draw" (or at least that's what glencocoe said here) but it acutally feels(!) like almost half of the time. And what is even worse is that many many many games I don't have a 2 cost ally on turn 2 either. (Which is not that bad if I could spawn Firesnake and at least have Tome of Knowledge on my hand, but come on, 4 Firesnakes+3 Dark Flayer + 2 Brutalis, why do they all hide in the back of my deck like every 4th time. Sry for whining, some more whining might come, stop reading if I annoy you. Or skip until the break.)
    Tome of Knowledge is another story. I didn't include a fourth one because I figured out that in 90% 3 should be enough so that I can circumvent the lack of drawing engine with other cards until I got a little more than half of my deck and finally the Tome. But then again, sometimes all 3 hide in between the last 7 cards of the deck and when I finally get one the bonus cards that it gives me are the other 2, which are basically worthless because I already got one. I recently had it the other way round: all 3 tomes in my starting hand. The result was that I played my 1st one on turn 2. (because I didn't have any 1 cost or 2 cost allies -.-) and then waited with sacrificing my 3rd one until turn 7 so I have a backup if the 1st one gets destroyed (but couldn't wait any longer) and then right afterwards, basically in the same turn the one I played gets stop thieved by that opponent serena. (Strangely enough I have almost always lost against Serena since the update, while I won all matches vs Serena during 1.29. Did she get that much stronger?)

    So I don't get enough 1 cost allies on turn one (And I experienced them to be more important than you'd think) and any additional card would lower the possibilty. I could also add hellsteed, but come on, that monster is so bad that I recently achieved a perfect win against an Elementalis who spawned 3 Hellsteed, but could not do a single damage until he forfeited. (I managed to destroy every other monster before it could attack and ignored the Hellsteed until turn 9 or so.) I made similar experiences when actually trying out Hellsteed. The other hand is exactly why early Firesnake is so important: If the opponent doesn't have a turn 1 card and all other cards keep canceling each other out Firesnack might (and has) do just as well 10 damage.
    Note - i have notes in the quoted part too so read this whole post.

    To be honest, majiya is very promising. Ive been tinkering around with her since 1.29 (seriously). The only thing holding her back was her ability to draw only on kill :/ funny how that matters so much. And about the drawing ratios and such, I still do mean that. But only for 42 cards or less. I'll reply more later, but DON'T do the 1 card copy thing. Please. Either 3 or 4. I'll address more later.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wenhui Tay View Post
    I suggest you format a bit more. Most readers are using their phones to read this thread, when you paragraph without the appropriate spacing, it's like my eyes skim through the article at top speed.

    I needed to cut it down a little bit in order to meet the 10k characters limit, sry. You shouldn't be reading long texts on a phone anyway. :P Okay, bad excuses, but you were warned.

    Portal FS is cute. But, if you have nothing in play, I would think a Belladonna or even a BM would be worse for a DoU. Bouncing 4dmg + draw card, or 6 damage for 5 cc "spell". Takes longer to destroy it, but you get more out of your opponent's card.
    Quote Originally Posted by glen
    Get rid of them. ALL of them. Only useful for the portal bouncing....and barely that. I've played for a long time and snakes are NEVER used outside of the first couple turns. They don't have haste like the famous kristoffer
    they are so not only portal bouncers T_T
    As said they often are ignoried until having dealt 6+ dmg.
    They can do that one single missing dmg when I have no Brutalis
    (I might change the DF-Brutalis ratio in favor of Brutalis soon)
    they are a big help when I try to use exacty as many resources as I have
    and even without portal they are a big help in killing weapons and armors and combined with bloodlust also do some dmg.
    Also I highly disagree with what Wen says about bouncing. The problem with DoU is ressource burning. If you need that extra card it is okay to bounce a bella once(!). But if you start bouncing BM your opponent will just say "thank you for giving me board control". Also BM only does 1/5 more dmg per ressource than FS.

    You probably know more than me so I will try without them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wenhui Tay View Post
    It's only a 56% chance of getting a 4 quantity card on your first draw IF you have a 40 card deck. Worse if you're starting first.
    Yes, I know the exact formular and I had in memory that it was just above (not under) 50%. Shannony amd an awesome thread for it here:
    Btw did you get firesnack from my elementalis deck? Haha.
    Quote Originally Posted by TDH View Post
    No, 1x of too many thing is not versatility. You can choose to sac some card easily, but you will also find it hard to do against opponent that require many copies of 1 particular card to counter, not to mention you might not get that card at all. Thats why you feel like having bad luck most of the time. With 1x of a card, its more like you are extremely lucky to get it at the right time.

    With 1x Ley Line, Gwen will totally destroy the deck unless 4x Soul Seeker stay at the 10 last cards of hers. Even Baduuru can give you a very very hard time as he even use more bows than Gwen, and use Shadow Font to boost them all.
    Actually I won almost every match vs Gwen except for 1 where I ran out of cards. (But that was before Ley Line Nexus.)
    The reason is the board control concept that lies beneath the deck. I usually get out enough allies to withstand 3 Soulseeker which completely heal Gwen from 10 health back to 28. Then she has her last Soulseeker underneath her remaining 18 cards while I have 7 cards left to rapidly annihilate her. In 3 turns. (thx to tome 2 cards in 3 turns and the ability gives me the 7th card. Bella becomes 2 cost ally. )
    Maybe it will be all different when reaching rating 300.

    2x Shriek can save you against DC, but against Amber? Probably not. And Amber is way more common to meet than DC atm.
    Amber is just like Gwenneth with some minor adjustments (Need to destroy these buffed weapons even faster.) that I can do thx to versatile deck.

    1x Snow Sapphire will never come. I don't rely on it, so whatevs. Elementalis will be unbeatable as you have no DoU and too few spells (Gargoyle + Ability + Infusion = Immortal), while he sits comfortably in Armor of Ages and keep pumping allies and use Mind Control.
    I have not lost 1 single match to Elementalis since the new patch. Portal + Bella/5cost ally, Fireball, Lightning Strike, Nova, my Ability... there are enough choices to kill that Gargoyle. Also "Ages" in Armor of Ages usually translates to 2 turns. I agree that as soon as my drawing luck vs Elementalis will cease his buffed allies plus freaking mind control (I hate that spell when used against me.) will kill me.

    I like the idea of rushing, but using portal with so few fatties is pure Meh... As I experience, portal is so good simply because after the monster comes out and clear the board, he will stay there and keep the board or deal a lot damage to the hero, making a recover from your opponent almost impossible, or even if he can react, you already prepare for another monster flood. You only have Minotaur and Plasma that can really do that, but 1x of each is too few.
    Portal is nice too with 3 smaller allies spawned at the same turn. You can play 2 small allies instead of 1 big ally, but you can't do it the other way round. The biggies are important to kill other biggies. For example Ogloth kills me if I have neither fireball + Ligthning strike nor Nova nor Portal + Biggie. But as there are enough possibilites I usually handle him quite well.

    I would suggest get the two play style separated completely. Rush and portal simply don't work together well

    Rush: use 4x Snakes, 4x Flayer, 4x Carniboar, 4x Blood Lust, then after early game, put Tome down or use Sacrificial Lamb and start to burn. You might need Webs and Freezing grip as well for delaying opponent allies.

    Portal: use 4x Brutalis, 4x Gargoyle, 4x Webs and try to stand on the same ground as your enemy till you can safely put Portal down and start to flush with Molten, Plasma and Minotaur.
    I was going to argue against it, but I eventually figured out that you actually have a point here. Both styles would probably easily beat my deck in a mirror match.
    Quote Originally Posted by glencocoe View Post
    i have a personal hate towards belladonna because I feel she's a waste. I won't
    go into why, but I feel just sacrificing 1 more resource to get a good 5cc card in there like molten destroyer is a much more viable strategy. There ARE quite a few pluses to Bella, but I feel the negatives are worse. You're playing majiya....the queen of draw even after her first nerf. You don't need Bella here.

    I do need Bella because I don't have many 5 cost allies.
    Playing 2 small allies instead of 1 big ally means you need one more card and in late play I will need portal to put them out either way so I will need many cards for sacrificing and many cards for playing. The basic idea behind the whole deck is that card number advantage will eventually turn into board control.
    However if I follow TDHs advice (no matter which one) I agree that Bella will become useless.

    idk why you only have 1 copies of cards..put in more. Id suggest 4.
    Because even with 8 Ressources and PB out I tend to play portal + 2 Dark Flayers and then wonder why I never use PB's Fireball-ability. Portal will be usefull even after I get wiped with Tidal Wave/Nova

    this has always been one of those cards I've ALWAYS changes my mind over. I still do. When playing, I've almost always been able to get out of things without them...but it was VERY stressful. I didn't have any room at all for error. And I'd always have to do a bit more. There are times in the beginning of the game where you get a great hand & figure you don't need it, but 4 turns later, you're thinking about another nova. You can always sacrifice them, but when you have a spell & a nova when your opponents down to's invaluable. In fact, I've won my last 2 games that way - no stress involved. Nova made it possible
    Truer words were seldom spoken. I only had 1 in my deck for a long time, then figured out that a second one might be more helpfull than a second Taddeus and changed that.
    Speaking of Taddeus: I have 5 3 cost allys and only 3 4 cost allys, I somehow think that should be balanced so that I can sum up the correct amount of resources. One reason why I use 3 Bellas is because Chimera turned out to be an inferior choice.

    Oh well, here comes the 10k charakter limit again.
    This time I will just split the post.
    Last edited by andy01q; 03-19-2012 at 11:15 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by glencocoe View Post
    but DON'T do the 1 card copy thing. Please. Either 3 or 4. I'll address more later.
    1 card copy does not equal 1 card copy. You could for example use 1 Keldor, 2 Gargoyle 1 Bad Wolf and 1 Death Mage Taddeus and no matter which one you'll have on turn 3 you will be fine. The reason why I dropped Keldor is because in 95% he proved to be inferior to the gargoyle. The reason for not dropping that Bad Wolf in favor of Gargoyle is because that 1 extra damage helps me often enough. (I actually do think I will drop Bad Wolf for Taddeus soon.) It is however pretty hard (even for me in my own deck, so I probably do need to get rid of some of these 1 time cards.) to always see all strategic replacements for the different cards.
    For example 1 Bloodlust + 2 Shriek are 3 cards. Against Darkclaws/Moonstalkers defense. I chose the ratio based on how often these cards are usefull against other opponents and on based that I hardly ever want to use more than 1 (2 vs. DC/MS) Shriek in a single match.
    Snow Sapphire goes together with Supernova. (If I don't have Supernova when I need it I can delay it with SS and then, when it comes it will be all the better.) but also works well against Gwen when I don't have Portals + many small allys. It seems to be better than freeze for multiple reasons. One is that I only seem to reach the point where I want to defensively delay the opponents aggressions if I don't have many cards. And at that point playing 2 semi strong 3 cost cards instead of 1 strong 6 cost card would cost me another card that I don't have.

    Often there are 2 things that I want to be able doing and so there is card a which does thing a and card b does thing b and card c does both and does a third thing which is rarely ever needed. So I include a/b/c 3/3/1 and thus have 4 cards for thing a, 4 cards for thing b and 1 card for thing c and saved 1 card.
    Quote Originally Posted by glencocoe View Post
    I'll address more later.
    I'm looking forward to it.

    Also thank you for all replies so far. I might argue against everything, but I am really appreciating the thoughts.
    Last edited by andy01q; 03-19-2012 at 11:22 AM.

  7. #7
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    _ Gwen can use Spell eater as well, and with Into The Forest, she can just skip 1 turn and wait for her SE to charge up. Besides, experienced Gwen use arrows, traps for board control early on, and can even have the board before turn 5, when she safely put down Rapid Fire. Remember fire one by pass Gargoyle ability, making it 1 hit kill for Aldon/Jasmine. With 4x of all FB, Lightning and Supernova, I can still feel the difficulty in trying to take the board from Hunters as all their arrows are cheaper. And I don't believe you can wear Soul Seeker down that easy. Might be with really bad Gwen that don't know about an ally name Lily. After getting Soul seeker out, bad Gwen just sit and shoot, while better one will continue to use arrows, trap to make your board as clear as possible, they also use Oracle to get those Into The Forest out, and normally wait till they are very low in health to use them continuously, making all your spells and allies useless. You will also lose some hp to human allies early on, so Gwen needs to attack only 3 turn when she activates her ability to kill you. Your only chance is when either Rapid Fire or Soul Seeker, or both appear too late

    _ Amber, even packing 3x Shriek, or 3x acid jet is still very hard. What versatility of the deck that you're talking about then? I see zero option against Amber except the Shriek. Even at 4x, Portal might never come at the first 5 turn, or it does come, but all you have is ... snakes and Flayers. High rank Amber often rush first (human rush is way more effective than shadow rush, except the risky shard + Sparks play from elementals), then control when their weapon is out, and with 1 sandworm appears at turn 5, suppose you already have portal down, you need at least 3 Bellas to clear him. Your resource simply won't allow that. Then when she uses her higher cc items (Dimension Ripper, which has become a staple vs Mages, or Legion United, or the old King's Pride) or casts Aeon, it is game over.

    _ You don't even max your damaging spells, have only 3 5cc allies, so don't talk about them like they're everywhere, ready to use and can kill a buffed ally of Elementalis that easy. If the portal won't come out early, or come out with little to no allies in hand, instead forcing you to play with spells, your arsenal is as thin as paper. Feel free to burn the hell out of elementals, just to see them heal back to full heath when they drop below 10hp and use soul reaper.

    _ I understand the idea of having enough card to play at a particular turn. Flayer is actually greater than Brutalis in a more aggressive oriented deck when you're going first or your opponent drop no T2 ally. Same with Wolf. But seriously, 1x Bloodlust for what??? 1x Snow Sapphire for what??? It comes down to a pure luck game when you can play 1 card for every turn, if you get what you need at that time, feeling awesome, if not, you just use another card no matter how irrelevant the situation is, or just choose to hold the turn and let the opponent take control. I'm more tolerable against a deck with diversity in allies than in items and spells, still, trying to mix all possible counters, and think that it will do good at all time because it's so 'versatile' is simply a bad idea. Keep saying things like "I keep DMT because his ping damage + my ability = Jasmine death", I can say the opposite "it's 1 card in a 40-card deck, lets see when you actually have that combo happen". If you can't get this straight and stick to the rule of having it, even at 1 copy is better than none, then I guess it's hard time finding someone that can really help you since most of us think different.

  8. #8
    Senior Member seedog's Avatar
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    Forget the toolbox approach, pick your cards and include 3-4 of each

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    Quote Originally Posted by TDH View Post
    If you can't get this straight and stick to the rule of having it, even at 1 copy is better than none, then I guess it's hard time finding someone that can really help you since most of us think different.
    I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing. (Having a unique style) At least I think the toolbox approach sounds more fun than picking cards and including 3-4 each. :P
    As said it got me up to a score of 270 and I can't say if that is actually good or bad. Is there a chart about how much percent of the players reach what score?
    I am yet to build a complete shadowera deck, so maybe I might get a much higher score after doing that.
    Maybe I'll pick another hero for that and leave Majiya as the uncommon fun deck which it probably is.

  10. #10
    Member TDH's Avatar
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    I don't want be to be harsh or mean, but you whining about your problems and we just point out the main issue with the deck. We all play for fun after all so no big deal if it's your choice

    If you want to change hero, I would suggest Lance if you just want to climb up the ranking. He has superior board control options to any other. For something more challenging, Zaladar is also solid.


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