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(Fan Fiction) Nishaven Pt. 10 -- the final chapter.

by trashbocks on 09-13-2012 at 12:01 AM
Gravebone channeled their combined powers into the summoning spell. Nishaven was a fool and not worthy to wield the Shadow Crystal he possessed. The choice for this simpleton as prophet to Teroth was further evidence to Gravebone that the Shadow is where true power lies. Who would pick such an untrained, naďve human to carry out your designs? Foolishness, and the proof of it was about to manifest itself in mere moments.

Gravebone held no remorse for what he was about to do to

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(Fan Fiction) Nishaven Pt. 9

by trashbocks on 08-24-2012 at 08:27 PM
Serena spent most of the afternoon after Maj left trying to figure out how to cut the brass plate into smaller pieces. It wasn’t until one of the acolytes suggested that she try talking with the blacksmith that the solution finally came. It took a lot of convincing, but Acolyte Jedis came around after a fair bit of eyelash fluttering and pouty looks. It was harder for her to work her charms on those who worked with her father—word travelled fast in a small place like the oasis—but ultimately,

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(Fan Fiction) Nishaven Pt. 8

by trashbocks on 08-09-2012 at 02:52 AM
It had been a few weeks since Thaddeus had tried to abduct Maj from the oasis, and she was still reeling at the thought of it. Questions ran through her mind constantly about why he wanted her, what he was going to do with her. Shudders still ran down her spine thinking of the Brute hefting her over his shoulders, all the while salivating over the thought of tasting human flesh. She didn’t witness her rescue from Thaddeus’s clutches. Truth be told, she didn’t really remember very much of anything

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(Fan Fiction) Nishaven Pt. 7

by trashbocks on 07-25-2012 at 11:30 PM
The man Pader called Thaddeus tossed his cloak and launched a dark, pulsating energy at the four of them as Nishaven reached the group of acolytes at the head of the path to the mansion. Pader reacted quickly, slamming the ground with the palm of his hand and forcing a rock wall up out of the ground to protect them. The dark energy collided with the wall spraying rock shards and dust everywhere, but standing fast against the assault.

“Go!” Pader commanded. “Run!”

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Updated 07-26-2012 at 12:05 AM by trashbocks


(Fan Fiction) Nishaven Pt. 6

by trashbocks on 07-20-2012 at 03:49 AM
Maj was always disappointed to be left behind when Serena and her father went on their adventures together. Even though she was the oldest daughter, she often felt as though her father treated her as if she was still a child. Serena seemed to live the life of adventure, visiting seedy bars, exploring magical caves, and doing things that Maj only ever read in stories. She, on the other hand, stayed and learned more academic things. Her father seemed to think that it suited her Talent better to

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