

Match against Zhanna and why First Strike doesn't help game pace

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I just had the LONGEST match ever, and I unfortunately lost, but more to the point. I paced a Zhanna Mist deck and it was a very close match, until Resurrection was cast and all her dead allies, very powerful ones, returned to her deck. That was the game turner. But even more to the point. First Strike actually SLOWED the match. I attack and kill. Then my opponent does. In the end 2 Wrath of Gods (Tidal Wave) were cast and 3 Ice Storms. In the end I started to get some allies back but at that time I was facing 4 opposing ones and ate 13 points of damage. Ouch.

Moral of the story: Remove First Strike and you will see the game speed up. TRUST ME!! lol

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  1. autumnleaf's Avatar
    i want to apologize about going after you and your idea of getting rid of first strike. i keep forgetting that health doesn't regen in this game at the end of turn like in mtg. with that thought back in mind i like the idea of getting rid of first strike, never did seem right that an ally couldn't retaliate unless of course the opponent had ambush.
  2. Sorter's Avatar
    lol no need to apologize. AS I keep saying, ppl can believe whatever they want to and I don't feel hurt just because you may not share my point of view. But the point you mention is true and, to be honest, I initially didn't really think of it that way. It was more... this is a battle field and allies and heroes attack each other. so, what, defenders pick their noses while being assaulted and ONLY IF they survive they get to strike back? That is shire (spelling) nonsense.